Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting


9/4/2018 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.


6:08PM  Meeting called to order.


Present:  Bob Vella, Carl Lange, Virgil & Kim Miller, Don & Betsy Slauson, and Danny Ellison.

Absent:  Larry Young, Dick Compton


President – Bob advised the Articles of Incorporation have been received by the State.  We are good to move forward with the 501(c)3 and 501(c)7 tax status.


Membership – Betsy said that 101 members have renewed or signed up for membership this year with four additional membership requests received recently.  Greg is going to send out a “free” 10-question Survey Monkey to those that did NOT renew inquiring as to why.  Betsy will also send out postcards.


Charity Give-Away – on October 13, 2018, we will hold our annual Charity Give-Away at the Gallego’s house (confirmed).  We will vote for the five additional charities at the next general meeting.  Bob will contact the ten (10) charities and advise them of the event and ask for representation.


3-Way Chevrolet – Bob, Greg and Carl are to set up a meeting with 3-Way Chevrolet to see if packages are still given out to new corvette buyers.  We haven’t seen any new members in this category in recent months nor received any funds for memberships from 3-Way Chevrolet.


Gambler’s Classic – On Monday 9/17/2018 at 8:00AM, anyone who wants to join in can meet at Bob’s office to put together a spreadsheet of all the income/expenses from Gambler’s Classic 21.


Bowling Green – Don shared an upcoming event, 2019 Corvette Caravan to Bowling Green.  It will be held August 28-31, 2019.  He and Betsy have participated in the past and feel there may be interest within the club for a future event.  Greg will work with Betsy and Don to possibly plan for a group trip.


Greg moved, and Betsy seconded the motion, for the next Board of Director’s meeting to be held at the Broken Yoke on Buena Vista Blvd in southwest Bakersfield.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 7:25PM









Meeting adjourned at 19:30.