Gamblers Classic 2025 has been postponed due to scheduled construction on the elevators/escalators that lead to the banquet room at the Riverside Resort and Casino. Our committee will explore alternative options and will keep everyone advised with any updates. We are looking to resume April 2026. Thank you for your understanding.


Gambler’s Classic 2024 is limited to the first 340 people. For the first time in our history, our Gambler’s Classic event is SOLD OUT. We want to thank all that attended.




Rate and block assured until Mar18


(Updated 04/01/2024)

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Noon – 6:00pm Parking Lot Open & Check-in​ Parking Lot
4:30pm Doors open Starview Room
5:00pm – 7:30pm Appetizers (5:00pm-6:30pm), no-host cocktails, socializing, entertainment, poker hand sales, and Silent Auction Bidding Starview Room
10:00pm Parking Lot Closed and Locked (No Access) Parking Lot

Friday, April 19, 2024

7:00am – 6:00pm Parking Lot Open & Check-in Parking Lot
10:00am – 5:00pm Fun Run – London Bridge Parking Lot
5:30pm Doors open Starview Room
6:00pm – 7:00pm Social Hour, No-Host Cocktails, Entertainment, Silent Auction Bidding Starview Room
7:00pm – 8:00 pm Dinner Starview Room
8:00pm – 9:45pm Entertainment, Dancing, Silent Auction Bidding Starview Room
9:45pm – 10:00pm Group Photos Starview Room
10:00pm Parking Lot Closed and Locked (No Access) Paking Lot

Saturday, April 20, 2024

7:00am – 9:00am Parking Lot Open, Car Show Clean & Prep Parking Lot
9:00am – 9:30am Opening Ceremonies Parking Lot
9:30am – 12:30pm Car Show Judging, Poker hand sales, Silent Auction Winners announced and payment collected.​ Parking Lot
10:00am – 11:30pm Optional Group Activities Starview Room
12:30pm – 3:30pm Poker Run (details below) Parking Lot
4:00pm – 6:00pm Awards Ceremony, Silent Auction Prize Collection Starview Room
10:00pm Parking Lot Closed and Locked (No Access) Parking Lot
Gambler's Classic 2024 FAQs

Gambler’s Classic 2024 FAQs

Arrival and Parking

You should temporarily park at hotel registration and get registered with the hotel. Consider moving your luggage to room or use the bellhop service. Then you can move your Corvette to the special fenced parking lot for Corvettes and check in for the event. Registration check in will be in the Corvette lot. Everyone will be required to read and sign the NCCC’s “Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement” in order to participate in the event. (You need to sign whether you are an NCCC member or not.) Please use the resort’s other parking lots if you will need access to your Corvette during locked hours. You will be given a dash card with your event number and assigned a parking spot. You are required to display your dash card while in the Corvette lot and parked in your assigned spot for the car show. Corvette owners that wish to participate in Gambler’s Classic 2024, but don’t want to bring their Corvette, may do so. The only limitations are that you may not drive in or park in the Corvette parking lot and obviously, your Corvette will not be judged. You may participate in all other activities. The registration fee is the same as if you were bringing your Corvette.

Did you know that Gambler’s Classic 2024 will donate to your Corvette club’s favorite charity? We will make a donation to your club’s chosen 501(c)(3) charity on your behalf, if your club has the most entries for Gambler’s Classic 2024.

The Corvette lot hours:

  • Open Thursday noon – 10:00 PM Closed and locked at 10:00 PM (No Access)
  • Open Friday 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM Closed and locked at 10:00 PM (No Access)
  • Open Saturday 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM Closed and locked at 10:00 PM (No Access)
  • Open Sunday 7:00 AM
    • Check-in closes at 6:00 PM. The Corvette Lot Gate will be manned by Hotel Security 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
    • Late arriving Corvettes may park in the lot overnight and check-in the next morning.
    • Participants should use the resort’s other parking lots if they will need access to their Corvette during locked hours.
    • Hotel security will be roving all parking lots during locked hours.
  • Participants must contact the event leads if there is a need for emergency access.
    • Virgil Miller 661-303-7075 or Diane Wallace 661-333-2339

Trailers. If you are bringing a trailer, after you unload, the Resort requires the trailer be moved to the employee parking lot. Maps will be available at check in.
King of Clubs Players’ Club Card. You should receive a Players’ Card with your hotel check in. The card gets you into the Car Museum on the 3rd floor for FREE. It’s a must see! The card also gets you other discounts and rewards throughout the Resort. If you do not receive a Players’ Card, they are available next to hotel check in for free.

Hotel Restaurants

The Gourmet Room – The Gourmet Room is Laughlin’s Finest dining, providing you with a choice of French, Italian or Steakhouse cuisine, skillfully prepared by Chef Torren McClure and his talented team. Sit back and relax while overlooking the beautiful Colorado River. Reservations suggested, limited seating.

Prime Rib Room On The River – Sit back and relax while enjoying the view of the beautiful Colorado River and dining in the Prime Rib Room on the River. Our menu offers your choice of our famous slow-cooked Prime Rib, delectable Chicken Cordon Bleu or Fish of the Day, with an array of fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, creamed spinach, potato of the day and our dessert bar. Reservations suggested, limited seating.

Riverview Restaurant – Casual dining located on the banks of the Colorado River offering a large variety of breakfast, lunch and dinner items with spectacular daily specials.

Riverside Buffet – Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, this local’s favorite offers a wide variety of dishes while overlooking the beautiful Colorado River. Plus, join us every Sunday for our famous Champagne Brunch featuring a carving station and, of course, unlimited champagne!

The Sidewalk Cafe – Sit back and relax at the Sidewalk Cafe. Located in the South Tower. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Casa Serrano – The Mexican tradition of Casa Serrano and El Palacio Restaurant & Cantina will wonderfully satisfy any appetite. From appetizers to amazing desserts, you will enjoy authentic Mexican Cuisine at its best. Sip on a Margarita and relax as you dine on an amazing meal.

West Side Snack Bar – Famous Krispy Krunchy Chicken.

Thursday April 18th departing at 8:00 am

Anyone attending Gambler’s Classic 2024 is invited to join our Thursday caravan in Bakersfield or when we get to Barstow.

We will meet at 7:30 am at the Shell Gas Station located at 1631 Comanche Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93307. It is located just North of I-58 on the East side of Bakersfield on the corner of Comanche Dr and Edison Hwy. We will meet in the parking lot at the back of the station (the east side of the station). Any Corvettes coming from North of Bakersfield may join us here.

We will depart at 8:00 am: Travel on Comanche Dr. to Eastbound I-58. It is about 2 hours to Barstow where we have a planned stop. As you enter the Barstow area the I-58 turns into the I-15. In about 3.5 miles you will transition from I-15 to I-40, exit 184A to Needles. We will take the first exit to the right on Montara Rd. The planned stop is at the parking lot on the West side of the Walmart Supercenter, 301 Montara Rd, Barstow, CA 92311. There are fast food restaurants and gas stations in the nearby area. Any Corvettes coming from Southern California may join us at this stop.

After the short break you will return to I-40 east toward Needles. It is about 2.5 hours to the Riverside in Laughlin. Just as you enter the Needles City Limits you will take exit 139, River Rd Cutoff. Follow the sign towards Laughlin. In about .5 miles, turn left onto Needles Hwy. Travel for about 22.5 miles and then turn right onto Bruce Woodbury Dr for about 3 miles. Turn left onto S Casino Dr. In about .5 miles Don Laughlin’s Riverside Resort Hotel and Casino, 1650 S Casino Dr, Laughlin, NV 89029 will be on your right.

Thursday Evening 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Meet & Greet – Starview Room
Doors open 4:30 PM
Appetizers (5:00pm-6:30pm), no-host cocktails, socializing, entertainment, poker hand sales, silent auction bidding. Event name tag required for entry into the Starview Room.

Friday 10 AM – 5:00 PM

Fun Run to London Bridge in Lake Havasu, AZ
We will caravan from Don Laughlin’s Riverside Resort and Casino. It’s 72 miles (1 hour 20 minutes) through Nevada, California, and Arizona to the London Bridge in Lake Havasu.  Needles Hwy, I-40, US-95.
Lunch reservations are highly recommended.
Try to return back to the Riverside by 5:00 PM, so you don’t miss dinner in the Starview Room. Doors open at 5:30 PM.

Friday Night – Starview Room
Celebrate “America’s Sports Car the Corvette” with us. Red, White, and Blue is the theme, patriotic atire is suggested, but is optional. Event name tag required for entry into the Starview Room.
5:00 pm Doors open
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Social Hour & No-Host Cocktails Starview Room
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Dinner Starview Room
8:00 pm – 9:45 pm Entertainment and Dancing Starview Room
9:45 pm – 10:00 pm Group Photos Starview Room


Car Show – Parking Lot
7:00 am – 9:00 am Car Show Clean & Prep Parking Lot
9:00 am – 9:15 am Opening Ceremonies Parking Lot
9:30 am – 12:30 pm Car Show Judging Parking Lot

The Car Show voting will be a Participant’s Choice Vote for the Corvette classes and COB Corvettes. We will have a judging panel for all special award categories. Your voting ballot will be in your welcome package. One ballot per entry. Tabulation will be done using computer car show software. *Participants may only receive one award. The number of award places will be determined by the number of entries in each class. Corvettes of Bakersfield will be in their own category, so they do not compete against you. The awards presentation will be in the Starview Room at 4:00 PM Saturday following the Poker Run.

Gambler’s Classic 2023 Award Classes
Participant’s Choice Vote
Gambler’s Classic 2023 Special Awards
Judging Panel Vote
C7 Early
C7 Late
C8 Early
C8 Late
2020 – 2021
2022 – Present
Host Club
Best in Show
Best in Show Veteran Owned
Best License Plate
Club Participation
Veteran’s Corvette
We will have a few fun awards

Poker Run – Saturday 

12:30 pm – 3:30 pm Poker run Parking Lot
Each entry receives one poker hand included with their registration. Participants may purchase extra poker hands during the registration process. Participants may buy additional poker hands during the event. Additional poker hands will be on sale in the parking lot and in the Starview room during all event times. Poker hands are $5 each. COB members are NOT eligible to participate in the Poker Run.

Poker run maps will be in your welcome package along with your poker hands. At each stop participants will blind draw one chip for each card. Volunteers will punch a hole in the poker hand envelope on the corresponding number. If a participant has more than one hand, volunteers will replace drawn chips and participants will draw again. Repeat until all their hands are completed. If a participant draws a chip number that has already been punched, they will draw again. At the last stop participants may draw for any missed stops and all poker hands will be collected. Any tampered or opened envelopes will be disqualified. Winners will be announced after the awards on Saturday evening. You must be present to win.

Raffle and 50/50 drawing
Due to Nevada gaming laws we are not able to have a raffle or 50/50 drawing.

Silent Auction
Items will be on display in the Starview room Thursday and Friday evenings for bidding. Winners will be posted on Saturday morning in the parking lot. Once winners pay for their items, they will receive a receipt to claim and collect their item Saturday evening after the awards ceremony.

Event Contacts: Virgil Miller 661-303-7075 or Diane Wallace 661-333-2339

Fun Run

10:00 am – 5:00 pm

London Bridge Fun Run

We will caravan from Don Laughlin’s Riverside Resort and Casino. It’s 72 miles (1 hour 20 minutes) through Nevada, California, and Arizona to the London Bridge in Lake Havasu.  Needles Hwy, I-40, US-95. Please review caravan guidlines below.

Start: View Map

  • Don Laughlin’s Riverside Resort Hotel and Casino
    1650 S Casino Dr, Laughlin, NV 89029
  • Turn right out of the parking lot onto S. Casino Dr.
  • Turn left at the first signal light Laughlin Civic Dr. (about 0.5 miles)
  • Turn left on Thomas Edison Dr. (about 0.5 miles)
  • Turn right on Bruce Woodbury Dr. (about 4 miles)
  • Turn left on Needles Hwy. (about 28.3 miles) 35 min
  • Get on I-40 E/US-95 S in Needles from Needles Hwy
  • Follow I-40 E and AZ-95 S to Mesquite Ave in Lake Havasu City (about 42.4 miles) 44 min
  • Turn left on Mesquite Av (about 400’)
  • Turn right on North Lake Havasu Av (about 500’)
  • Turn right on McCulloch Blvd N (about 0.3 miles)
  • Once you cross the London Bridge turn left on Sir Peter Studd Street (just past Javelina Cantina on the left) into the large public parking area. From here you can explore the area on foot. You are on your own from here. Lunch reservations are highly recommended. Lake Havasu Dining


Try to return back to the Riverside by 5:00 PM, so you don’t miss dinner in the Starview Room. Doors open at 5:30 PM.

Lake Havasu Visitor Information Center
422 English Village – Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 – 928-855-5655

London Bridge Historic Self-Guided Walking Tour
How did the world-famous London Bridge arrive at its unlikely home in Arizona? Hear the story of how the bridge made its way to Lake Havasu City from London, England. Walk around, under and over the bridge as others have done before you from as early as the Roman Times. A free brochure for a self-guided tour of the London Bridge is available for download and at the Visitor Information Center, which is open year-round. Download Walking Tour


















Caravan Guidelines

  • Start of Tour: Please be on time and make sure your Corvette is prepared and ready for the trip. Start with a FULL tank of fuel and make sure you check your oil level and radiator coolant level. Tires need to be checked and inflated to the manufacturer’s recommended tire pressure. Tires cannot be past the manufactures’ recommended serviceability period (depending on manufacturer between 6 and 10 years). It is a good idea to have basic tools and spare parts. It is also recommended to have a two-way FRS radio set to channel 5 for communication.
  • Obey Traffic Laws: You must obey the Basic Speed Law. You may never drive faster than is safe for current conditions and never more than the posted speed limit. Remember, fun and safety are paramount, a ticket or accident would spoil everyone’s day.
  • Togetherness: Keeping the tour together is done by the tour leader with your help. The tour leader slows after going through congested areas or making major course changes. The tour leader knows how many cars are in the tour and is always looking to the end Corvette. You can help by safely keeping up with the Corvette ahead of you. The lead Corvette and the end Corvette should always have a two-way radio.
  • Congested Areas: When going through a congested area where there may be multiple traffic signals, and if no turns are coming up, it is helpful to occupy 2 or 3 lanes to shorten the length of the group. Get back into position after the congested area (single column). The tour leader will slow the column to allow time to regroup.
  • Trouble Signals: To be used only when you must stop. In the daytime, turn on headlights (not parking lights). At night, flash your headlights on and off. On this signal, only the car immediately behind the troubled car and/or the assigned troubleshooter car stops. All others continue with the tour leader who will pull off and stop at the next appropriate and safe turnout spot. Two-way radios tuned to channel 5 are used if possible, at the front, middle and rear. For road hazards where there is not time to announce on the two-way radio, safely swerve well around the hazard to signal the cars behind you of the hazard. The last Corvette should be assigned by the tour leader as his spotter or trouble car.
  • To resume the tour after a stop: Merge back onto the roadway following the car in front of you and only when safe to do so. If safe, the last vehicle should pull out to block traffic allowing a buffer for the other cars to pull out.
  • Anyone driving a “Tin” car (cars other than a Corvette) must stay at the rear and behind the last Corvette.
Poker Run

Poker Run – Saturday
12:30 pm – 3:30 pm Poker run      Parking Lot

Poker Run Instructions                                                                    Start and End in the Parking Lot


Each entry receives one poker hand included with their registration and you may buy additional poker hands during the event. COB members are NOT eligible to participate in the Poker Run.

At each stop participants will blind draw one chip for each card. Volunteers will punch a hole in the poker hand envelope on the corresponding number. If a participant draws a chip number that has already been punched, they will draw again.

Stop #1 – Boat Rental/Water Taxi
When leaving the Riverside parking lot, make a right onto Casino Drive. Use the right lane to turn right onto NV-163 E. Stay in the right lanes and turn right onto AZ-95 S. Turn right into the large parking lot directly across the river from Don Laughlin’s Resort where the water taxi goes back and forth. You should see the large free boat rides sign. This is your first stop.

Stop #2 – Bullhead Chamber of Commerce 1251 AZ-95, Bullhead City, AZ 86429
Turn right out of the first stop onto AZ-95 S and continue south on AZ-95 S for about 2 miles. Turn right into the parking lot when you see “Poki,” the world’s largest desert tortoise. Be sure to take a photo with Poki.

Stop #3 – Laughlin Ranch Golf Club 1360 William Hardy Dr, Bullhead City, AZ 86429
Turn right on AZ-95 and head South for about .2 miles. Turn left onto Laughlin Ranch Blvd. You will cross over Bullhead Hwy in about 1.5 miles. Continue on for another 1 mile. Turn left onto William Hardy Dr. At the traffic circle, continue straight to stay on William Hardy Dr. The stop will be in the golf bag drop area in front of the main buildings.

Stop #4 – Davis Dam – Bureau of Reclamation 1 Davis Dam Road Bullhead City, AZ 86429
Go back the way you came in. Follow William Hardy Dr and Laughlin Ranch Blvd to Bullhead Pkwy. Turn right on Bullhead Pkwy to AZ-68 East and turn right. Continue for about 1.5 miles then turn left on Davis Dam Rd. Use caution, cross traffic does not stop. The poker stop will be about 1.5 miles, where the road ends. Turn left into the Dam office parking lot. Save some time to walk around and enjoy the view.

Stop #5 – Don Laughlin’s Resort Corvette Parking Lot
Take Davis Dam road back to AZ-68. Turn right and head south. Remember oncoming traffic does not stop. Turn right onto AZ-95 which turns into NV-163 as you cross the river. Turn left onto S Casino Dr for about 0.2 miles. Use the left lane to turn left into the Riverside Resort and continue to the Corvette parking lot. If you missed any stops, you may complete your poker hands here at the last stop.

All poker hands will be collected at the last stop. Please make sure your entry number is on each poker hand envelope. Any tampered with or opened envelopes will be disqualified. Winners will be announced after the awards on Saturday evening.  The winner must be present to collect the prize.

Thank you to all our 2024 sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

Chrome Sponsor

A&S Concepts
