Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
5/5/2020 Meeting held via ZOOM (video meeting) due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.
Call to order: 6:00 PM by President Larry Young
Present: Larry Young, Adrian Medina, Virgil & Kim Miller, Betsy Slauson, Dave Kielty and Carl Lange.
Absent: Bill Dean, Danny Ellison and Liz Zaninovich.
Minutes: Betsy moved to approve minutes from the March BOD meeting. Carl seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Financial Report: Carl advised we had a $10 bill this month, so our balance is $10 less than last month’s report.
Club Logo: Bill was not in attendance and no one had any new information on the subject. Logo is still on hold.
Member passing: Bill Ray Jr passed away last month. He was a great guy and will be missed. Betsy sent flowers for the family and received a thank you note from Louise. There had been a request in Bill’s obituary for donations to be made to the William L Ray Memorial Music Scholarship Fund. Virgil made a motion that we donate $100 to the scholarship fund. Adrian made a second to the motion. Motion passed. Carl will get a check in the mail.
General Meetings: There will not be a May general meeting and we will not have a general meeting until we hear further from the governor. Larry will send a letter out to the membership, via the secretary, advising them of the situation.
Gambler’s Classic 2021: Liz was not here for an update. Per Larry, Liz passed out papers at the last general meeting seeking to know who was interested and willing to help with this project. He said she got back around 25 names that were interested.
Carl advised he recently saw Rod and Bev Holden. They are doing better. Adrian advised that Jack Atkinson is not doing well. Thoughts and prayers are with him.
Betsy advised we have 114 members.
Adjourn: 6:28 PM