Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

General Meeting

11/13/2018 at Three Way Chevrolet

6:36 P.M.  Meeting called to order

32 members in attendance.

Flag Salute – Led by Danny Ellison

Guests:  None

Birthdays and Anniversaries:  Shared by Bob Vella

Special Guest – Three-Way Chevrolet sponsor representative and COB member, Robert Villanueva gave an update on corvettes in stock and some definitions of corvette options. You can find current corvette inventory through the COB website.

Getting To Know You:  Spotlight on Dave Kielty

Minutes – Larry Young motioned to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting.  Liz Zaninovich made a second.  Motion passed.

Board of Director Reports

Bob Vella/President – No Board Meeting or General Meeting in December. January Board moved to January 3rd, 2019. John Silliman is now Sergeant at Arms.

Larry Young/First Vice President – Happy for good turnouts at recent events.

Treasurer Report – Shown on PowerPoint.  General Account $16,368.83. Events Account $6,196.13. Total $22,564.96. Will prepare budgets for future events as they occur.

Events – Danny Ellison will take over the position of events coordinator. Bob showed videos made by Greg Brott of Trunk or Treats, Brunch of Corvettes at KC Steakhouse, and Veterans Parade.

COB Breakfast November 21st at Panera on California Ave at 7:30 AM. Kern River Valley Christmas Parade needs cars. Contact COB member Ray Thurm.

Christmas Parade – A drawing for Christmas parade corvettes was done and the following cars were selected: C1-Virgil & Kim Miller, C2-Terri Romanoff, C4- Annie Bailey, C5- Michael Rowe, C6- Dale & Trudy Frye, C7- Bob Vella, Mark Pucilowski, Greg Brott, Dave Kielty, Tom Jones, and Robert Villanueva. We may need to provide more cars for parade dignitaries. Virgil Miller volunteered to give Grand Marshall, Kevin Harvick a ride.

Christmas Party – Since the homeless shelter did not participate in our donation offer the COB board voted to use the money to reduce the price of the Christmas Party by further supplementing the cost. The room erupted in applause. Linda McNitt is donating the liquor for the Christmas party. Thank you, Linda! It was suggested that we sell drink tickets, rather than have the bartender collect money. The professional bartender will be volunteering his time, so please tip generously. We will be collecting toys at the party for the Toys for Tots. Bring a new unwrapped toy. Also, don’t forget to bring a gift for the fun gift exchange.

Toy Run – December 9th, 2018 (Optional) Beach Park to Fairgrounds.

2019 Events – Danny Ellison presented the ideas he sent to everyone in an email for everyone to review. He is looking for suggestions and volunteers to run those events. Danny also apologized for exposing member’s emails, but now knows how to do it correctly. The club planning meeting is scheduled for February 3rd, 2019 at Tony’s Firehouse at 2:00 PM.

501(c)3 status – Carl and Bob met with Zelma.  The Federal process is done. The State paperwork has been filed. We should be completely done by January. The board has spent about $2,000.00 which includes all the fees and a required four-hour training course for the board members.

Dale & Trudy Frye/Bakersfield Car Council – If we have dates for our possible car show they should be submitted as soon as we can, so they get on the council calendar, which protects the date from other local clubs.

Meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM.

Minutes provided by Virgil Miller