Board Minutes – January 2019

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting

January 3, 2019 at Lorene’s Downtown

Meeting called to order 6:00 PM

Present: Bob Vella, Larry Young, Dick Compton, Carl Lange III, Danny Ellison, Don & Betsy Slauson, John Silliman, Virgil Miller, Adrian Medina

Absent: Kim Miller

Membership Dues: Danny Ellison suggested the Board consider lower the membership dues in order to retain more members. Danny provided the board with a written suggestion for review. The subject was tabled until the next meeting for a final vote.  As per our by-laws, it would need to change before the March meeting.

Planning Meeting: The annual planning meeting has been scheduled at Tony’s Firehouse on January 27, 2019 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Danny has formed a committee of five couples to generate ideas for the club members to vote on for this coming year’s activities. Virgil Miller suggested we consider putting on a car show to raise money. It would be themed for Veterans and held the Saturday before Veterans Day.

Sign Up Sheet: Betsy Slauson provided new signup sheets for the general meetings.

Raffle Table: Bob Vella suggested we have a couple of regular volunteers to man the guest table for the meetings. John Silliman and his wife, Cher have been doing it until his new promotion to Sergeant at Arms. We will ask for volunteers at the next general meeting.

General Membership Meeting: John Silliman suggested the following: During the general meetings that we add a slide to the presentation to show the signup list for snacks and raffle prizes. That we publicly thank the people who bring the snacks and prizes. He suggested we have a break during the meeting to sell more raffle tickets and provide time to get a snack.

New Member Packages: John Silliman suggested we revisit our new member packages and update them.

Website: John Silliman suggested we update the parking instructions for the general meeting. He also suggested we add downloadable forms for event sign ups, for event liability, and event sign ups.

Social Media: The club needs to get its own Flickr, YouTube, and other various account so they are no longer in Greg Brott’s name.

Treasurer’s Report: Carl Lange III submitted the treasurer’s report via email to the board.

Board Minutes: Betsy Slauson made a motion to approve the November Board minutes. John Silliman seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Meeting adjourned 7:47 PM

Minutes by Virgil Miller

Board Minutes – November 2018

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting
11/8/2018 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.
6:03PM Meeting called to order.

Present: Bob Vella, Greg Brott, Dick Compton, Virgil & Kim Miller, Adrian Medina, Carl Lange, Larry Young, John Silliman and Danny Ellison.
Absent: Don & Betsy Slauson

Officers – Bob advised that Danny will take over at Events Coordinator in anticipation of Greg’s resignation. Greg moved to appoint John Silliman as Sergeant At Arms, Larry seconded the motion, motion passed. Greg will stay on as Governor of NCCC.

501(c)3 – Bob and Carl are to meet with Zelma again at 1:30 tomorrow. We still must have a four-hour class for the board members.

Christmas Party – The cost of the bartender is tips only. Greg submitted invoices to Carl for security for the Christmas party ($108) and KC Steakhouse ($140). Kathy Gallego bought decorations (in storage) for the Christmas party. We need four members to show up early, 4:00, to set up.

Veteran’s Day Parade – We have 16 cars signed up. There is an 8:30am meeting scheduled behind Lorene’s.

Christmas Parade – We can have 10 entries. Greg and Adrian met with the committee and got our numbers. Greg will send out additional info to members tomorrow.

2019 Planning Meeting – Will be held at Tony’s Firehouse on 2/3/2019. Valentine’s dinner at Frugatti’s is already paid for. We also need to plan for six brunches, six membership runs and the regular activities (Veteran’s parade, Christmas parade and the club birthday barbeque/lunch (charity give-away). We are also already committed to the Streets Of Bakersfield for 2019.

No Meetings – There will be no board or general meeting in December. The next meetings will be in January. The Board of Directors will meet on 1/3/2019.

October Minutes – John moved to approve the modified version on the October Board of Director’s Minutes, Greg seconded the motion, motion carried.

Treasurer Report – the October treasurer report was distributed and reviewed by all. No action.

Homeless Shelter – The charity check for the Homeless Shelter was not picked up by the organization. John moved that we take that money and reduce the cost of the Christmas Party tickets to member to $25.00. Larry seconded to motion, motion passed. Greg will modify the Christmas Party flyer to reflect the lower cost and redistribute it to members.

Meeting adjourned at 7:08 PM.

Minutes provided by club secretary, Kim Miller

Board Minutes – October 2018

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting


10/2/2018 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.


6:05PM  Meeting called to order.


Present:  Bob Vella, Greg Brott, Dick Compton, Virgil & Kim Miller, Don & Betsy Slauson, and Danny Ellison.


Absent:  Carl Lange and Larry Young


By-laws – Discussion about the new by-laws ensued, specifically the following:

Article 2 Section 5 – Place of Meeting.  Next meeting to be stated at the end of the agenda.

Section 7 – Annual Report.  What is the report to include?  Who is to prepare the report?  These need to be clarified and included in the by-laws.

Section 10 –  Quorum.  A quorum shall consist of a majority or the board of directors, or five of the nine members.

          Article 4 Section 2 – Term of Officer.  Change to one (1) year.  Each position should be defined.

Article 6, Section 2 – Checks and Notes.  Change the language to include electronic checks.  Two signatures should still be required when the amount is over $3,000, otherwise one signature is sufficient.


Charity Liaison – Suggestion and discussion about adding a new board position to deal with public relations.  Subject will be presented at the General Meeting next week.


Payless Storage – Carl can’t get a copy of contract from the storage company without Ed Combs’ signature.


Brunch of Corvettes – To be held on October 28, 2018 at KC Steakhouse.  Betsy moved to have the club pay for security, Greg seconded the motion, motion passed.


Christmas Party – It was decided to keep the member cost of the event at $35 per person.  Greg moved  that the club pick up whatever the difference is between member income and the expense for the event, Dick seconded  the motion, motion passed.


Refund Policy – Virgil wrote up and shared a paragraph regarding club refunds.  It was suggested that the verbiage be added to the club’s forms in the future.  An electronic copy of the verbiage will be sent to the board of directors. It reads as follows:


Event Refund Policy


To be considered for a full refund, your refund request must be submitted in writing prior to the event’s registration deadline. Refund request received after the deadline has passed may only be considered for a partial refund, as our club makes commitments with event vendors. All refunds are at organizer’s discretion as to whether any refund may be issued.


No Refunds


We do not grant refunds for this event. You can still contact the organizer with questions.



Wine Run –  Thirty-two (32) people have signed up and we are looking forward to a good time.


Treasure Report – provided by Bob in Carl’s place.


Survey Monkey – Greg suggested and volunteered to put out a Survey Monkey under the President’s name to past members who did not renew their membership to ascertain the reason for not renewing.


Veteran’s Day Parade – Talked to Tony Ennis on the phone.  The club is signed up for the parade and there will be further discussion at the General Membership meeting.


Resignation – Greg Brott presented his resignation from the Board of Directors effective 12/31/2018.


Meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM.

Board Minutes – September 2018

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting


9/4/2018 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.


6:08PM  Meeting called to order.


Present:  Bob Vella, Carl Lange, Virgil & Kim Miller, Don & Betsy Slauson, and Danny Ellison.

Absent:  Larry Young, Dick Compton


President – Bob advised the Articles of Incorporation have been received by the State.  We are good to move forward with the 501(c)3 and 501(c)7 tax status.


Membership – Betsy said that 101 members have renewed or signed up for membership this year with four additional membership requests received recently.  Greg is going to send out a “free” 10-question Survey Monkey to those that did NOT renew inquiring as to why.  Betsy will also send out postcards.


Charity Give-Away – on October 13, 2018, we will hold our annual Charity Give-Away at the Gallego’s house (confirmed).  We will vote for the five additional charities at the next general meeting.  Bob will contact the ten (10) charities and advise them of the event and ask for representation.


3-Way Chevrolet – Bob, Greg and Carl are to set up a meeting with 3-Way Chevrolet to see if packages are still given out to new corvette buyers.  We haven’t seen any new members in this category in recent months nor received any funds for memberships from 3-Way Chevrolet.


Gambler’s Classic – On Monday 9/17/2018 at 8:00AM, anyone who wants to join in can meet at Bob’s office to put together a spreadsheet of all the income/expenses from Gambler’s Classic 21.


Bowling Green – Don shared an upcoming event, 2019 Corvette Caravan to Bowling Green.  It will be held August 28-31, 2019.  He and Betsy have participated in the past and feel there may be interest within the club for a future event.  Greg will work with Betsy and Don to possibly plan for a group trip.


Greg moved, and Betsy seconded the motion, for the next Board of Director’s meeting to be held at the Broken Yoke on Buena Vista Blvd in southwest Bakersfield.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 7:25PM









Meeting adjourned at 19:30.

Board Minutes – August 2018

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting


8/7/2018 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.


18:17  Meeting called to order

Present:  Bob Vella, Larry Young, Dick Compton, Virgil & Kim Miller, Don & Betsy Slauson, and Danny Ellison.

Absent:  Adrian Medina, Carl Lange and Greg Brott


Membership – Bob gave Betsy a stack of new membership applications.  Betsy gave Bob a list of those that have not renewed their membership.  Bob will contact each of them and find out their reasoning.  It was suggested that the by-laws be reviewed for the rules on late membership and make any needed revisions.  Eleven (11) new members have joined since last month.


Ventura Run – Looking at the pre-signups, it looks like there is going to be a good turnout.


Treasurer’s Report – on hold until Carl returns.


Hold off on donations until Bob talks to Zelma to find out the status of the 501(C)3.


Bob requested that Carl have access to WordPress.  Virgil will take care of it.


The windshield stickers have been received and will be given out, two to each renewing member.  After that, there will be a nominal charge of $1 each.


2019 Show – Are we going to produce any type of car show in 2019?  After discussion, it was decided that we can’t move forward on this until the 501(C)3 status is in place.


Club Gathering – Virgil and Greg (in abstancia) brought up the idea of having an event with as many members, and their vehicles, as possible to take a group photo, possibly using a drone.  Hart Park in October was suggested.  There was discussion but nothing definitive was established.


Newsletter – Bylaws state that we have one.  What happened?  Some said Adrian is not aware that he is a board member.  A past newsletter was reviewed and Betsy showed the board one from the Orange County club.  Both were nicely done and work intensive.  Bob will speak with Adrian about the future of a newsletter.  No action at this time.


Bylaws – Zelma is working on an update of our bylaws in addition to an additional set of bylaws for the 501(C)3 arm of our status.


Bob called Zelma at 19:14 and put her on speaker phone.  She advised the filing won’t be ready by October to do the usual donations to public charities.  She suggested that we set some of our moneys aside now for donations.  Articles of Incorporation will take at least a month to establish.


Bob asked Zelma to attend the general meeting on Tuesday, 8/14/2018, to address any concerns the membership may have regarding the 501(C)7 and 501(C)3 statuses.  She will be there at 19:00.


Meeting adjourned at 19:30.

Board Minutes – July 2018

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

7/3/2018 at Broken Yolk/E Brundage Ln

18:00 Meeting called to order

Present: Bob Vella, Larry Young, Dick Compton, Carl Lange, Virgil & Kim Miller, Don & Betsy Slauson, Greg Brott, and Danny Ellison.

Absent: Adrian Medina

Guest: Zelma Frankhouser, Non-Profit Consultant

Zelma was asked to join us to clarify our non-profit status. She recommended that we keep our 501(c)7 status and add a 501(c)3. See attached recommendations from Zelma Frankhouser. Both 501(c)7 and 501(c)3 would have the same board members, different bank accounts ($275 to start new one) and a different set of by-laws. If we do a raffle, it would have to be under the 501(c)3. The two sets of by-laws need to match with respect to term limits or accounting year. We need to establish a physical address for the new entity. Carl suggested using his address because most of the banking and accounting correspondence already goes there. This can be updated as needed with changes of board members.

Betsy moved to add a 501(c)3 arm to our non-profit status. Dick seconded to motion. Motion passed.

Need to apply for EIN. We have to be incorporated. We also need to be registered as a 501(c)3 for one year then in August 2019 we can file for a Nonprofit Raffle permit to legally hold raffles.

Carl suggested the club hire a CPA to review our accounting to protect the organization. Names and costs will be brought to the board in the future. Carl also suggested Zelma assist with grant writing for $25/hour. This could assist us with our charity work.

It was suggested that the club pay for the Boards’ monthly dinner. This was voted down. We will do away with 50/50 drawings at the general meeting. In lieu of a raffle, a door prize ticket will be given to each member in attendance at our general meetings for a chance to win a door prize.

Betsy will make a member/guest list to check off attendees at each meeting to keep track of who attends our meetings.

While Zelma is still on retainer, it was suggested we review our by-laws and have her update and align the two entities.

7/24/2018 – Kern Raceway Event. Will promote to the membership.

Window Decals – membership benefit. Have run out of the last ones that were ordered. Want to go with clear with white lettering that sticks to the outside. Virgil found some at a reasonable price. He will buy with a credit card and be reimbursed. He will take to club at the next meeting.

Carl requested a different location for the board meetings. Next board meeting will be at Lorene’s downtown.

Meeting adjourned at 19:46.