Board Meeting – July 2020

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Corvettes of Bakersfield

Board Meeting Minutes

July, 6, 2020

Location: Bill Dean’s Home, 4004 Goldwood Ct. Bakersfield, CA 93306

  1. The meeting was called to order by Bill Dean at 6:30 pm.

David Kielty led the group in the flag salute.

Bill Dean, COB president, asked 2020 board members to introduce themselves:

Tony Sparano             Vice President

Diane Wallace            Secretary

Ken Stewart                Events Coordinator

Donnie Hansen           Newsletter

David Keilty                 Sergeant at Arms

Liz Zaniniovich            Public Relations Director

Kim MIller                    Membership Director

Virgil Miller                  Webmaster

*Linda McNitt              Governor, NCCC


Carl Lange                  Treasurer


Janice Dean, Chris Espita, Candice Kielty, Myna Stewart, LeRoy Wallace

  1. Minutes:
    1. Tony made a motion to approve June 2, 2020 minutes

David seconded motion.

Vote: Aye: 9, No: 0, Abstain: 0

  1. Reports/Requests
    1. Newsletter/Donnie Hansen: Bill was asked to contribute an article. Donnie received samples from Dany Ellison. Linda McNitt shared it was requested at the Governor’s meeting, COB newsletter be submitted to them. Board discussed the newsletter. Donnie is working on developing the newsletter.
  1. Bank Accounts: (Carl absent) Bill read Treasurer Report.

Bank of Sierra General Account                    $15,771.83

Bank of Serra  Events Account                      $2552.62

Valley Strong Charity Account                       $6379.65

Total                                                               $27,704.10

Board discussed accounts and need to have three signers on accounts.

Liz made motion to add Tony Sparano (Vice President) to all accounts.

Donnie seconded motion.

Vote: Aye: 9, No, 1, Abstain 0

Board discussion continued. Bill intends for all banking items to come to the Board. Audit history was discussed (bylaws, when independent audit happened?) Charity account and COB identifying a specific charity is a future topic to take to the club.

Tony asked about a refund for ten members that contributed money to Streets of Bakersfield. Dave Kielty is contacting Streets of Bakersfield Cruise and Shine regarding money we paid.

  1. Mailbox Key: Bill will get the mailbox key and will now be distributing mail to board members as needed.
  1. Business
    1. Sponsorship: 3-Way Chevorlet having difficult financial times. No sponsorship funds ($100 per month) have not been received for last four months. They may give COB $300, but cannot allow the club to use meeting room due to virus. Board discussed membership cards provided by 3-Way and 10% discount status.

Diane made motion to continue 3-Way sponsorship, accept $300 and let them handle the business cards.

Liz seconded the motion.

Vote: Aye: 9, No, 0, Abstain, 0

  1. Website/Virgil Miller

Bill suggested adding a group photo to homepage. Virgil has added a drone photo. Board discussed webpage.

  1. Membership Roster

                        Kim distributed updated membership rosters to board members present.

  1. Location of July General Meeting

Board discussed future meetings; a park is preferable, but needs a speaker or bullhorn. Bill to decide about the July meeting and notify members.

  1. Comments and/or Announcements
    1. 3-Way COB Showcase – Its contents were discussed. Liz has coins to display. Photos displays were suggested. Bill and Tony will meet 7/7/20 at 1:00 to clean it.
    2. Sympathy Cards – Board discussed when to send a sympathy, creating a floral account, and $ amount to allocate ($50 or was it increased to $100?).  Diane to check past minutes. Kim to send a card for Barbara Compton.
    3. COB Breakfast – No July breakfast
    4. July Club Run to Three Rivers – Ken is working with Michael Rouw and will get info out to members. RSVPs will go to Ken. Ken will communicate with Michael.
    5. Club Run Safety – BIll emphasized safety and encouraged all members to have a fire extinguisher in their trunk. Board discussed club’s two safety kits* and their locations. *Event Touring Rules state there should be one in front and end cars.

Chris Espita will donate two first aid kits for club use. Donnie will check if she has a hazard kit.

VI.        Adjournment

                        Diane Wallace made motion to adjourn meeting at 7:40 pm.

                        Donnie seconded the motion.

                        Vote: Aye: 9, No: 0, Abstain: 0

*Notice of meeting 6/25/2020 via email from Bill Dean to Board Members

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane Wallace, COB secretary

July 7, 2020

Board Meeting – June 2020

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Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

6/2/2020  Meeting held via ZOOM (video meeting) due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.

Call to order:  6:00 PM by President Larry Young

Present:     Larry Young, Virgil & Kim Miller, Betsy Slauson, Liz Zaninovich, Dave Kielty and Carl Lange.

Absent:       Bill Dean, Danny Ellison and Adrian Medina.

Minutes:     Betsy moved to approve minutes from the March BOD meeting. Carl seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Financial Report:  Carl advised we have $15,084.46 in our operating accounts and $6,160.39 in the charity account.

Club Logo:   Bill was not in attendance and no one had any new information on the   subject.  Logo is still on hold.

General Meeting:  This past Sunday (5/31/20), a group participated in a run to Hart Park.  There were 18 club participants.  How about holding our next general membership meeting out there?  There was discussion.  An alternate suggestion of Beech Park was brought up. It was decided that Saturday June 13, 2020 at 10:00 AM we will hold a general membership meeting when we will announce the next board.  Larry will check out the location and provide more specific details for the meeting.

Rod Hayden Birthday:  The drive-by birthday wish for Rod was greatly appreciated by Rod and Bev.  Thank you to Danny Ellison for coordinating the event

Monthly Breakfasts:  We can start having our monthly breakfasts again at Links at Riverlakes Ranch.  They will provide the spacing.  The Corvettes Owners’ Breakfast is the third Wednesday of the month.  We will pick up again on 6/17/2020 at 8:00 AM.

Events:       On 6/27/20, we will have our Ponderosa Lodge run.  Steve Dallons is the lead on this event and information has been posted on the website.  The is a sanctioned event.

Ballots:       Ballots have been mailed out.  The Buckles have been asked to do the count, but Larry hasn’t heard back from them.  Carl will follow up.

WSCC:         The Western States Corvette Council has asked to be our insurance carrier.  There was discussion.  The board voted unanimously to stay with the NCCC for our coverage.

National Corvette Museum:    Don Allen has indicated an interest to be a liaison for our club to the National Corvette Museum.  The board approved the action and Larry will speak with Don about putting this in motion.

Barbara Compton:  There will be a Celebration of Life for Barbara sometime after the COVID-19 pandemic has settled down.

Adjourn:     6:31 PM

Board Minutes – May 2020

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Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

5/5/2020  Meeting held via ZOOM (video meeting) due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.

Call to order:  6:00 PM by President Larry Young

Present:     Larry Young, Adrian Medina, Virgil & Kim Miller, Betsy Slauson, Dave Kielty and Carl Lange.

Absent:       Bill Dean, Danny Ellison and Liz Zaninovich.

Minutes:     Betsy moved to approve minutes from the March BOD meeting. Carl seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Financial Report:  Carl advised we had a $10 bill this month, so our balance is $10 less than last month’s report.

Club Logo:    Bill was not in attendance and no one had any new information on the subject.  Logo is still on hold.

Member passing:  Bill Ray Jr passed away last month.  He was a great guy and will be missed.  Betsy sent flowers for the family and received a thank you note from Louise.  There had been a request in Bill’s obituary for donations to be made to the William L Ray Memorial Music Scholarship Fund.  Virgil made a motion that we donate $100 to the scholarship fund.  Adrian made a second to the motion.  Motion passed.  Carl will get a check in the mail.

General Meetings:  There will not be a May general meeting and we will not have a general meeting until we hear further from the governor.  Larry will send a letter out to the membership, via the secretary, advising them of the situation.

Gambler’s Classic 2021:  Liz was not here for an update.  Per Larry, Liz passed out papers at the last general meeting seeking to know who was interested and willing to help with this project.  He said she got back around 25 names that were interested.

Carl advised he recently saw Rod and Bev Holden.  They are doing better.  Adrian advised that Jack Atkinson is not doing well.  Thoughts and prayers are with him.

Betsy advised we have 114 members.

Adjourn:     6:28 PM

Board Minutes – March 2020

Download minutes

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

03/04/2020 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

Call to order:  6:00 PM by President Larry Young

Present:     Larry Young, Bill Dean, Adrian Medina, Virgil & Kim Miller, Danny Ellison, Liz Zaninovich, and Carl Lange.

Absent:       Dave Kielty and Betsy Slauson.

Guests:       Linda McNitt and Chris Espitia.

Minutes:     Danny moved to approve minutes from the last BOD meeting. Adrian seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Financial Report:  A copy of the past month’s financials were distributed.  Within all of the accounts, the club has $22,131.39.  Carl and Larry recently opened an account for the 501(c)3 arm of our accounting at Valley Strong Bank.  This will provide a “cleaner” means of accounting our business.

Club Logo:    Bill is still working on it.

Streets of Bakersfield:  Larry had Virgil share with the board the contents of a meeting he attended earlier today.  Marking the streets is going to be time consuming and possibly challenging.  Currently, the Chalk Team consists of Steve Taylor, Mitch Townsend, Steve Dallons, Annie Bailey, Mark Pucilowski, David Kielty and Virgil Miller.  More volunteers are needed (8-10) to direct participants to their parking spots.  Will try to enlist more at the general meeting next week. Tony Castiglione, with the Streets of Bakersfield, will have vests for the volunteers.

Gambler’s Classic 2021:  Do we have someone that wants to lead it?  Linda McNitt suggested maybe we do it on a smaller scale or have it at a local hotel.  She also suggested a casino night one night and maybe a poker run on a second day.  There was a lot of discussion.  Liz suggested putting it out to the club at the next meeting.

Leap Year Day Run:  Thank you to Virgil and Kim Miller for the fun and successful run.

Newsletter:  Larry wants a monthly or semi-monthly digital newsletter that can be sent out to all members.  He wants contributions for it by all board members.  Nothing definitive was established by the board.

Upcoming Events:  The Loading Chute in Creston on 3/28/2010.  Roger Buckles will take the lead on this. Friday Night Graffiti at the Firehouse Rosedale Station has started back up beginning 3/6/2020.  Thursday Night Cruise-in at Chuy’s on Rosedale Highway has started back up.

Kim will be out of town for the General Meeting.  Someone is needed to take the minutes at the general meeting.  Liz volunteered.

Adjourn:     7:10 PM