Board Minutes – July 2019

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

7/2/19 at Black Angus on Rosedale Hwy

Call to order:        5:55 PM by President Larry Young

Present:     Larry Young, Bill Dean, Dave Kielty, Virgil & Kim Miller, Betsy Slauson, Danny Ellison, Carl Lange and Adrian Medina

Guests:       Bob Vella, John and Cher Silliman, Chris and Liz Espitia, and Linda McNitt

Membership:  Carl advised that dues have been received and twelve couples and 2 singles have been added to the membership.

Events:       Danny has agreed to remain as coordinator.  Virgil made a motion to appoint Danny as the Events Coordinator.  Betsy seconded.  Motion passed.

Minutes:     Danny moved to approve minutes from last BOD meeting, Bill seconded.  Motion passed.

Webmaster:  Virgil requested that new board members wear their red club shirts to the next board meeting, and he will take pictures.  Virgil also advised that he has been visiting businesses, spreading the word and passing out flyers for the upcoming Vettes For Vets carshow.

Bakersfield Car Club Council:  Bob went to the car show at the museum and saw Chris Addington.  Chris basically offered an “olive branch” to Corvettes of Bakersfield over the recent activity that has taken place.  Larry will take the information to the General Membership and Bob will invite Chris Addington to the next board meeting.

Vice-President:  Bill shared “Old Cars and Motorsports” newspaper.  He said we need to get our November car show in it.  Virgil took information from the paper and will make contact.  Bill also advised that we are not in the “Blue Book” and we need to try to get into it.  Additionally, Linda said we were listed as a member club of the Western States Corvette Council.

Public Relations:  Position is still open.  Any volunteers? Still open.

Gamblers’ Classic 2020 – Is there any interest?  Too close to Vettes For Vets in November 2019 to be able to pull off successfully.  No interest currently.

Treasurer:  Carl passed out the Treasurer’s report indicating $19,676.09 for both accounts.

Miscellaneous:  Liz advised there are 50-100 students from Stockdale High School that we can tap to use as volunteers for the car show.

Discussion about moving away from NCCC.  It’s an inconvenience to send notifications of all activities via email and U.S. Mail to them.  Their rules prevent spontaneous events from occurring and still be covered.

Linda would like to see a planning meeting before January.  Danny advised there is already a planning committee and he will see about getting them together before January.

We need to put a budget committee together.  Virgil will share his Vettes For Vets budget with the new board.

Virgil shared a new pop-up banner with the Corvettes of Bakersfield logo, email address and Three-Way Chevrolet logo on it.  The cost was approximately $40 plus tax and shipping.  Virgil motioned to buy two more banners for club events.  Larry seconded.  Motion passed.  Virgil will order them.

Adjourn:     7:19 PM

Provided by Kim Miller, Club Secretary

Board Minutes – June 2019

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

6/4/19 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

Call to order:        6:08 PM by President Vella

Present:     Bob Vella, Virgil & Kim Miller, Dick Compton, Danny Ellison, John Silliman and Adrian Medina

Absent:       Don & Betsy Slauson, Larry Young, and Carl Lange

Guest:         Linda McNitt

Minutes:     John moved to approve minutes from last BOD meeting, Danny seconded.  Motion passed.

Treasurer:  Carl was not present and will be gone next week for the general meeting also.  No treasurer’s report.  Carl gave Bob the ballots for the elections next week.

2nd VP:        Dick asked about Laughlin and was told that at this point the event will not be happening.  The has been no interest from anyone to head it up.

Events:       This Thursday night, the club will be gathering at Chuy’s for their weekly event.  Danny is going to bring out ice cream.  He will be there at 4:30.  The Summer Solstice Event is on 6/21/2019 at The Habit.  The Firehouse on Calloway as started a monthly event.  Do we want to commit to that?

Membership:        Betsy is not in attendance.  No report.

Sgt. At Arms:  John advised nothing to report.

Webmaster:  Virgil advised the membership pricing has been updated.

Vettes For Vets:   Jeff Salters, of Salty’s, is interested in sponsoring this event.  The general consensus was that this is a sticky situation since the event is being hosted at Chuy’s.  We need to be care and get more information (i.e. what is he expecting out of it, what specifically does he want to do).

Surf City Corvettes of Sunset Beach has reached out to Virgil and he will get back to them.  Three Way Chevrolet pays us $1,200/year as a sponsor.  Dick will contact Mike Thomas/sales and set up a meeting regarding an event sponsorship

Getting to Know You:  Four people have declined Danny request to participate in this for next month.  Everyone agreed this was a popular part of the general meeting and would like to have it continued.  Bob and Danny will talk later with new ideas.

Newsletter: The Chronicles are up to date and Adrian will post last weekend’s Civil War Event at Fort Tejon soon.  Adrian suggested our logo be updated since the C8 has come out.  It was suggested that maybe it be simpler…???  Food for thought. 

Next Meeting:  Those signed up for refreshments and prizes have been notified.

Adjourn:     6:30 PM

Board Minutes – May 2019

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

5/7/19 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

Call to order:        6:00 PM by President Vella

Present:     Bob Vella, Larry Young, Virgil & Kim Miller, Dick Compton, Carl Lange, Danny Ellison, John Silliman and Adrian Medina

Absent:       Don & Betsy Slauson

Guest:         Linda McNitt and Cher Silliman

Bakersfield Car Council:  Dale and Trudy Frye have been our liaisons for the last year.  The COB has participated with them.  There is major drama within the BCC.  Bob will submit a letter to the BCC acknowledging the rift and will bring the situation up to the general membership at the next meeting. 

1st VP:         Larry spoke regarding the upcoming elections.  The board reviewed the nominations and Larry will announce them at the next general meeting.  Voting will occur in June and take effect 7/1/2019.  We will ask for volunteers for the vacancies.

2nd VP:        Dick still wishes the club will do a Laughlin run.  Per Bob, the previously used hotel will hold the weekend of April 16-19, 2020 open for a short time.  Need someone to step up to the plate and handle the event.  Linda McNitt has shown interest in coordinating the event, but in 2021 and with moving the event to Las Vegas.

Treasurer:  Carl passed out the report.  He’s still working on establishing two accounts.  It is anticipated that we’ll receive approximately $10,000 from member dues.

Minutes:     Danny moved to approve minutes from last BOD meeting, John seconded.  Motion passed.

Events:       Danny advised that member Linda Combs is asking the club to allow her to speak about One Door Recovery being one of our future charities.  Bob will get back to her.

McNally’s Run raised $500 with 28 participants.  This Saturday, 5/11/2019, there is a run to Visalia.  The run to Santa Paula on 6/2/2019 has been cancelled and Chris Espitia may put on a run the following weekend.

 Danny has opened another Facebook page, My Corvette, for club activities.  This is for members only.

Membership:  There are four new members.

Sgt. At Arms:  John advised that he is anticipating 14 cars to go on the Memorial run.   There was discussion about the 501(c)7 vs the 501(c)3 by-laws.  Bob is to call Zelma to verify if there is a State/Fed law requiring two-year terms for board members.  Is training required or recommended?

Webmaster:  Virgil advised that he has added a Club Classified section to the website.  He also advised our Google listing has the club listed at the old 3-Way  Chevrolet address and phone number of 366-0925.

Vettes 4 Vets – Larry took Virgil to Fastrip to discuss sponsorships.  Donna Ellison got donation of porta potties.  T-shirts will be part of the entry package.  California Pin-Up were contacted.  The want to have Little Miss Corvette contest.  Contestants will do either essays or drawings.  Olive Drab Drivers will help with anything we need, the day of the event, as long as they can bring their vehicles for free. 

Virgil reminded the board that we need to start following Roberts Rules of Order and would like to get the new board in line with the process.

Next Meeting:  Bob Vella is providing the refreshments and Dale Frye is signed up for the prizes.

Adjourn:     7:33 PM

Minutes provided by Club Secretary, Kim Miller

Board Minutes – April 2019

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

4/2/19 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

Call to order:        6:05 PM by President Vella

Present:     Bob Vella, Larry Young, Dick Compton, Carl Lange, Danny Ellison, Don & Betsy Slauson, John Silliman

Absent:       Virgil & Kim Miller, Adrian Medina

Guest:                  Linda McNitt

Minutes:     Larry moved to approve minutes from last BOD meeting, Carl seconded.  Motion passed.

1st VP:         Asked about National Corvette Museum Membership.  Currently, COB is not a member.

2nd VP:        COB needs to decide if will host Gambler’s Classic in 2020 as soon as possible.  Board discussed that no member(s) have offered to take the lead yet.  Bob will follow up.

Treasurer:  Board reviewed Treasurer’s Report.

                   Carl reported that routine State documents for 501(c)(7) were completed.

Events:       Discussed that the 50/50 drawings during events are to help raise money towards the Christmas Dinner.

                   Trembler Run on 4-6.  Linda advised BOD of issue with the meet-up location—two separate locations given.

                   New Corvette Owner’s Breakfast location (Riverlakes Ranch) received good reviews.

                   Valentine’s Dinner 2020 will be at Chalet Basque.  Special thanks to Trudy Frye for making arrangements.

                   McNally’s Run on April 27th.

                   Drafted BOD Nomination Form for distribution at next General Membership Meeting.  BOD reviewed and approved.

Membership:        May 1st is when membership renewal letters need to be sent out.  Betsy suggested using email instead of regular mail.  BOD discussed giving hard copies to the few members that don’t have email, and using email for the rest.

                   Two new members joined.  Current roster is 125.

                   Betsy sent sympathy gift to the Fryes from COB.

Sgt. At Arms:        John shared a brief update on the Veteran’s Charity Car Show based on Virgil’s recent Committee Meeting.  Received approvals to use the parking areas around Chuy’s.  Can have vendors as long as they 1) carry the required insurance and, 2) don’t sell food.  Virgil has set up Sub-Committees for:  Advertising/Sponsors, Registration, Parking, Raffle, Awards/Judging, and Logistics.  Have some volunteers, but need more.

                   Streets of Bakersfield went well.  COB needs to decide right away if we want to help host it again in 2020.  If so, we need a liaison who can attend monthly meetings, etc.

                   Carl reported that COB pre-paid for 12 car show spaces at Streets of Bakersfield 2020.  Already have five members wanting a space.  Board discussed idea of raffling off a space.

Next Meeting:      Nominations for the BOD will be taken at the next General Membership Meeting.  

                   The Slausons are providing both the prizes and the refreshments.

Adjourn:     7:15 PM

Minutes provided by John Silliman

Board Minutes – March 2019

3/5/2019 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

6:19 PM  Meeting called to order.

Present: Bob Vella, Danny Ellison, Don & Betsy Slauson, John Silliman, Virgil & Kim Miller, Adrian Medina and Dick Compton

Absent:  Larry Young and Carl Lange III

Minutes – Danny moved to approve the minutes from the last board meeting.  Betsy seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Treasurer Report: Carl was not here.  He’ll email one out when it is ready.

Dick asked if we were doing an event in Laughlin, NV in 2020.  No one has stepped up yet.  This subject will be added to the agenda for the general meeting next week.  He also asked about a flyer for the November car show to go in the Cruzin’ 4 Charity show bags in two weeks.  There is hesitancy on this subject because we don’t have a confirmation from the property manager yet.

Events – Danny did a prerun for the Cayucos Pier Run on 3/23/2019.  All looks good.   Jack & Yolanda Atkinson did a prerun for the Parkfield Run on 4/6/2019.

Virgil suggested that someone do a brief write-up on each event to be posted on the website

Dick inquired about the bylaws.  Current bylaws are on the website under the About Us category.  It was also suggested to make about 15 copies of the insurance information to have available at the next general meeting.

Nomination Committee –  per the bylaws, this is to be comprised of an incumbent Vice-President and two board members.  Betsy volunteered to be a part of the committee and prepare a nominating card (ballot) to hand out at the general meeting to take nominations.

Dick suggested a clay-shoot to bring in moneys for members.

Membership – Betsy advised we have one new member, Boyd Smith.

Webmaster – the website has been updated and some items rearranged.

Dick would like to see a calendar of events for the next board so they know what has to be done and when.

Vettes For Vets – No progress to report as we are still waiting for the landlord to approve the event. 

Bylaws – it was suggested we follow our existing 2014 bylaws and make them available to entire membership. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:34 PM.

Board Minutes – February 2019

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

2/5/2019 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

6:11PM  Meeting called to order.

Present: Bob Vella, Larry Young, Carl Lange III, Danny Ellison, Don & Betsy Slauson, John Silliman, Virgil & Kim Miller, Adrian Medina

Absent:  Dick Compton

Others:  Linda McNitt

Bob thanked Danny for a great planning meeting at Tony’s Firehouse on 1/27/2019.  It was suggested to bring a PA to the general meeting next week.

Larry suggested a club contest at the Brunch of Corvettes at the Tower Restaurant in March.  Larry request $45 to cover the cost of awards for the occasion.  Betsy moved to reimburse Larry for the prize, Virgil seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Vettes for Vets:  Committee meeting was yesterday.  Stockdale Tower turned down our request to host the event there.  Still waiting to hear back from Kern Schools Federal Credit Union.  Exploring additional options also.  Donna has contact for port-a-potties.

Website:  All events have been updated with information that was provided to Virgil.  Web domain has been updated.  Flickr was updated to give Virgil access.  Greg gave Virgil a thumb drive with club archives.  All board members can have access, just contact Virgil for information.

Treasurer Report:  Copy of report passed out.

Received final letter from the State.  Good with 501(c)3.  Board has to go through a 3-4 hour meeting with Zelma.  Bob will call her tomorrow to schedule a time and will send out potential dates via email.

Membership:  Betsy advised the club has 124 members.  Two new members were received in January.

Bob asked if there were any new items to add to the agenda for next week’s general meeting.  Danny reintroduced discussion from last month regarding membership dues.  After discussion, the board voted to adopt the following rates:

          New membership –   Couple $75    Single  $65

          Renewal              –   Couple $65    Single $55           

Larry moved to adopt this proposal, John Silliman seconded the motion.  Motion passed.  Bob will announce to the membership next week the new rates.  This will take effect at the beginning of the next fiscal year.

Minutes:  Carl moved to approve the minutes from the last board meeting.  Adrian seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

There was discussion for new ideas for Valentines Dinner 2020.

John asked if we can get the bylaws out to the membership.  We still need to amend the bylaws for the C7 side of the house like we did with the C3 side.  Bob will talk to Zelma and get an update.

Meeting adjourned at 7:08 PM.