Board Meeting – February 2020

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Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

02/04/2020 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

Call to order:  6:01 PM by President Larry Young

Present:     Larry Young, Bill Dean, Dave Kielty, Virgil & Kim Miller, Danny Ellison, Liz Zaninovich, Betsy Slauson, and Carl Lange.

Absent:       Adrian Medina.

Guests:       Linda McNitt and Chris Espitia.

Minutes:     Dave moved to approve minutes from the last BOD meeting. Carl seconded the motion. Motion passed.

NCCC Governor:  Linda McNitt has decided that she would like to continue as the club’s NCCC Governor.  Larry accepted her offer.

Monthly Meetings:    Larry advised that Three-Way Chevrolet is having employee training for the next couple months (maybe three) and the meeting room won’t be available.  Those signed up for refreshments won’t need to bring them.  If you are signed up to bring raffle prizes, please plan on bringing them.  We will meet at Round Table Pizza at Gosford Rd/White Ln.

Club Logo:    Bill has received eight proposed designs and will stop taking submissions next month.  Vote will be in March.  Virgil will post them on the website and give the link to Adrian to post on Facebook.

Street of Bakersfield:  Carl advised we have nine tickets that need to be sold for $50 each.  We also need a chalk team of five people for 3/20 and 3/21/2020.  Danny will make a sign-up sheet  to pass around at the general meeting.  Two COB members are needed for the Saturday Cruise, 3/21, after the show.  This will be put out to the general membership on Tuesday also.

Gambler’s Classic 2021:  Are we going to pursue this?  This will be put on the agenda for the General Membership meeting.

Impromptu Events – If the events are going under the Corvettes of Bakersfield  name, the president needs to be “in the know”.

Nominations:  Bill sent out a letter and job descriptions to the membership.

Larry is having surgery 3/11/2020 and will be out of commission for a couple weeks.

New Business:  Linda McNitt presented meeting results from the last NCCC meeting.  NCCC only want a calendar of events from clubs.  To and from meetings (Board and General) and events are covered as long as they are on the calendar.  The next NCCC quarterly meeting is in Ventura the second weekend in May.  Linda suggested that if we put a run together for the Ventura area that weekend, the NCCC meeting could be an option for attendance for anyone going on the run.

Adjourn:     7:10 PM

Board Minutes – January 2020

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Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

01/07/2020 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

Call to order:  5:55 PM by President Larry Young

Present:     Larry Young, Bill Dean, Dave Kielty, Virgil Miller, Adrian Medina, Danny Ellison, Liz Zaninovich, Betsy Slauson, and Carl Lange.

Absent:       Kim Miller.

Guests:       Linda McNitt.

Minutes:     Liz moved to approve minutes from the last BOD meeting. Adrian seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Finances:    Carl passed out the Treasurer’s report. Total of $25,349.99. Carl will open an additional checking account at Kern Schools Federal Credit Union to use for all 501(c)(3) monies.

Christmas Party 2020:   We are looking for a new location for the 2020 club Christmas Party. Larry will look into a friend’s hanger at the Shafter Airport. Danny will talk to River Lakes Golf Course.

Events Chairperson:      Danny is looking for someone to take over the PowerPoint presentations for the general meetings. Danny will continue if needed for the rest of his elected term.

Storage Unit:    Larry set a date of Saturday, January 25th, at 10:00 am to clean up and organize the club’s storage unit. Larry is looking for volunteers.

Club Logo:    Bill reported no one has submitted any logo ideas.  Bill will remind everyone at the general meeting that there is a $100 prize for the logo that is chosen. Bill will give it one more month.

Bakersfield Car Club Council, Inc.:  Larry reported to Chris and Betty of the BCCC that COB wished to remain neutral at this time. The BCCC agreed and have continued to send Larry their monthly schedule.

Street of Bakersfield:  Dave Kielty reported the Streets of Bakersfield will be a 5-day event. Wednesday – Motor City will sponsor a party at Motor City. Thursday – Registration and Crystal Palace . Friday – Driving Events and sock hop at Minter Field. Saturday – car show. Sunday – Time trials at Minter Field. COB is still marking parking spaces for the car show, volunteers needed.

Gambler’s Classic 2021:  We still are receiving requests and inquiries for Gambler’s Classic. We will present this back to the membership again.

Monthly Refreshments and prizes:  We only have a couple openings for the year to fill.

Events:       SLO Vettes would like to participate in our annual wine run. They have been referred to Tony and Chevy for further discussion.

C8 Update: Carl indicated that GM was to start making the new corvettes the first part of February. Carl is expecting his C8 delivery around mid-year.

NCCC:         The club’s NCCC dues have been paid.

Board Officers:     Bill took a poll of current board members as to if they were planning on running for another term.

Adjourn:     6:45 PM

Board Minutes – November 2019

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Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

11/5/19 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

Call to order:  6:00 PM by President Larry Young

Present:     Larry Young, Bill Dean, Dave Kielty, Virgil & Kim Miller, Adrian Medina, Danny Ellison and Liz Zaninovich

Absent:       Betsy Slauson and Carl Lange

Guests:       Chris Espitia and Linda McNitt.

Minutes:     Liz moved to approve minutes from the last BOD meeting. Bill Dean requested to amend the minutes to reflect that the Christmas Party will be on 12/14/2019.  Bill Dean seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Finances:    Carl, via Larry, wants to create a third account for donations.  Subject is on hold until the next meeting.

Veterans Parade:  We are 49th in the parade.  The route has been shortened.  It will probably be 11:00 before we line up.  Meet at 9:00am.

Bylaw Amendment:  Voted 3-2 to go to 1-year terms across the board.

Christmas Party:  We are now dealing with Elements Venue and Banquet Centre, Inc for all beverages.  Cost:  $595 for set up and to furnish all beverages.  Members will pay for their drinks at the party.  We to pay the $595 set up fee still.

Bakersfield Car Club Council, Inc.:  Danny and Larry met with Chris, Betty and Larry of the BCCC.  In 2020, Street and Super Cruze will not have conflicting dates, however, all future years will conflict.  BCCC promote three shows, the Super Cruze, Chuey’s and Reason for a Cure.  The BCCC is not a car club, but a Council of Clubs.  Do we want to get back with the BCCC?  A lot of discussion followed.  Membership has already voted NO.  We’ll stick with that and stay neutral.

Gambler’s Classic:  A group of members was approached at a recent event in Prescott, AZ regarding the future of Gambler’s Classic.  The event has been missed by other clubs.  There was a lot of discussion.  We will take this back to the membership again.

Club Logo:    It was suggested, that with the advent of the C8, we create a timeless logo for the club.  Larry handed a sample to Virgil and put him in the lead of the subject.  Suggestion was made to put an incentive out to club members to come up with a new logo ($50 or $100).  Bill will present this at the general meeting, offering $100.

Storage Shed:    Danny and Larry went over there and said it was filled STUFF.  In January, they’d like to get everyone together that has put STUFF in the storage unit and go through it and get rid of anything that is not needed.

New Officers:  Nominating Committee is headed by the Vice President.  Need to start thinking about upcoming elections.

Treasurer Report:  Larry shared that there is total of $25,996.89 in both accounts.

                   Linda McNitt present an invoice for the dues, $25.00.  Larry will turn it over to Carl.

                   Liz asked why do we need so much money in our account?  What do we do with it?  Danny explained, in the past, it has been used for seed money for Gambler’s Classic.

Events:   Danny advised that Tim Garcia recently passed away.  There is no will and it is unknown who to get in touch with.  Members will look into it further.

                   1/12/2020  Brunch  will throw out to membership to see who wants to host it

                   11/12/2019 General Membership meeting

                   11/20/2020 Corvette Owners’ Breakfast

                   NO meetings in December

Street of Bakersfield:  Per Dave Kielty, they are going out to Minter Field and have three different events planned.  There will be four (4) days to the event.  Someone from COB has to be at every Street of Bakersfield meeting or they can kick the club out.

Liz shared that there will be a Route 66 carshow/fun run in Kingman, AZ the first weekend in May 2020.

We need to get a Toys for Tots box at the next general meeting.  Linda will handle.

Adjourn:     7:14 PM

Board Minutes – October 2019

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

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Board of Directors Meeting

10/1/19 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

Call to order:  5:59 PM by President Larry Young

Present:     Larry Young, Bill Dean, Dave Kielty, Virgil & Kim Miller, Betsy Slauson, Danny Ellison, Carl Lange and Liz Zaninovich

Absent:       Adrian Medina.

Guests:       Chris Espitia and Linda McNitt.

Minutes:     Liz moved to approve minutes from the last BOD meeting. Betsy seconded.  Motion passed.

Veterans Parade:  Are we going to participate?  We will wait until the general meeting to hear from Tony Ennis before making a decision.

NCCC:         Linda McNitt is our new NCCC governor.  Linda and Greg Brott have plans to get together on Thursday to discuss the role.  Larry shared his experience at the 9/14/2019 meeting.

Christmas Party – This year’s event will be held on 12/7/2019.  Dues to our insurance, the club cannot provide liquor to the members.  Larry advised that we have hired Jason Brower of Party Brokers to serve alcohol at the party.  He has insurance and a liquor license and meets NCCC requirements.

Veterans Charity Car Show:  Virgil advised that logistics-wise we are on track.  At this point, there has not been very many entries.  Virgil contacted Yolanda Atkinson regarding t-shirts.  She said she needs 2-1/2 weeks notice along with the number of shirts and sizes in order to place our order.

Christmas Parade:  No corvettes this year.

By-laws:     Kim Miller spoke to Zelma regarding the possibility of amending the 501(c)3 bylaws to align the length of terms for officers.  Zelma said it only had to be approved by the executive board and documented in the meeting minutes.  General membership does not need to be a part of this.

                   Further discussion ensued amongst the board members suggesting that the term of the Treasurer should be a two-year term while the other officers could remain at a one-year term.  Kim said she would put together a couple options for the board to consider and get it to Larry as soon as possible.

Financial Report:  Larry passed out the report (Carl had to leave early).  Between the two accounts, we have $25,547.99.

Membership:  We recently lost a member, Steven Mathias Jr.  There will be a wake on 10/6/2019 at The Firehouse on White Ln.  It has been requested to have some corvettes there.

                   Larry would like to see one specific person (director) be responsible for taking care of cards, flowers, etc. when there is an occasion such as this.  Betsy will order flowers tomorrow.  Also, as an update, Barbara Compton is doing better, per Larry.

Adjourn:     7:11 PM

Board Minutes – September 2019

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

9/3/19 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

Call to order:  5:57 PM by President Larry Young

Present:     Larry Young, Virgil & Kim Miller, Betsy Slauson, Danny Ellison, Carl Lange, and Liz Zaninovich.

Absent:       Bill Dean, Dave Kielty and Adrian Medina.

Guests:       Chris Espitia, Dale and Bill Frye, and Cathy Telese.

Minutes:     Carl moved to approve minutes from the last BOD meeting. Betsy seconded.  Motion passed.

Vettes For Vets:  Virgil submitted a budget for the car show.  Carl moved to approve the budget. Liz seconded.  Motion passed.

Christmas Party:  A budget for the annual Christmas Party to be held on 12/14/2019 was submitted for review/approval.  Carl moved to approve the budget.  Betsy seconded.  Motion passed.

There were questions about the liquor license.  The topic was postponed, and Larry will do some follow up.

NCCC:         Greg Brott has resigned as the club’s governor due to personal obligations.  There are four meetings annually that the governor has to attend.  Larry will cover the meeting on 9/14/2019 in Anaheim but he can’t take the position and a replacement needs to be found.  Subject will be taken to the general membership meeting next week.

Membership:  The membership application and the information regarding membership  were both updated online.  The information matches the bylaws.  There is a 60-day waiting period from the time an application is submitted until membership is granted.  This gives the committee time to review the information and time for the prospective member to attend a couple meetings and/or events.

Virgil put together and gave Betsy 6 new membership packets.  It will be up to the Membership Committee to pass out and replace the packets as needed.

Video Postings:  It’s been noticed that there have not been any video posting to the COB website since March 2019.  This is about the time Greg resigned from doing it.  Larry will talk to Adrian and see if the process can be continued.  There are several videos available that are not on the website.

Gifts:          Larry pointed out that we have several events coming up before the end of the year where we are requesting gifts or raffle prizes be donated by members; wine run, car show and Christmas party.  This will be added to the agenda for next week.

Christmas Parade:  Do we want to participate?  The board didn’t really jump at the opportunity.  This will also be put on the agenda for Tuesday’s General Membership meeting.

Corvettes and Coffee:  Larry would like to host a “breakdown shakedown” event at his shop in the area of Oswell St. south of Hwy 58.  There is room for 35 cars and he has 3 bays, a compressor and vacuum available.  He is proposing to have the event on 9/21/2019 in the morning.  This will be put on the agenda for next week’s meeting to see if there is interest from the general membership.

Vettes For Vets:  Copies of the car show application will be made to be handed out at the next general meeting.  Liz asked about the media and if any PSAs were being done.  Virgil said he is working on it and it is still too early to get them out.  Need to start getting out about 30 days before the event.  Liz also brought up

By-laws:     Question was asked if anything further has been done about updating the by-laws.  Carl has been in contact with Zelma once, but no further has been done.  Virgil mentioned his concern about the officer terms.  They need to be aligned between the 501(c)7 and 501(c)3 since the officers are the same between the two entities.

Adjourn:     6:36 PM

Board Minutes – August 2019

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

8/6/19 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

Call to order:  5:50 PM by President Larry Young

Present:     Larry Young, Bill Dean, Dave Kielty, Virgil & Kim Miller, Betsy Slauson, Danny Ellison, Carl Lange, Liz Zaninovich and Adrian Medina

Guests:       Linda McNitt and Chris Espitia

Public Relations:  Bill moved to appoint Liz Zaninovich as Public Relations Director.  Adrian seconded.  Motion passed.

Gamblers’ Classic:  Larry advised we have officially released the hotel in Laughlin for Gamblers’ Classic 2020.  An idea was brought up to reach out to the Hard Rock Corporation and look at having a similar event at the new complex that is scheduled to be built off of I-5/99 Hwy.  Bill said he will reach out to the Hard Rock to see what timeframe we are looking at and the procedure we would have to follow.

Streets of Bakersfield:  Carl has 12 prepaid parking spaces reserved for next year’s event.  Please contact him if you are interested.  Corvettes of Bakersfield is scheduled to be placed one block from the grand stands this next time.  Greg Brott is still our liaison.  Dave Kielty has been attending meetings.  The event is scheduled to occur 3/19-3/21/2020.  Larry to do some follow up.

Membership:  There was major, and somewhat contentious, discussion about accepting new members online.  Some felt we should only accept new members after meeting them and the potential member attending a couple of meetings or events.  Others thought that, in this day and age, the younger crowd uses computers for almost everything and that the online process saves time.  Bylaws were referred to where it states that new applicants will become eligible for membership after 60 days from date of application.  Name tags will not be ordered until the prospective member is approved.

There use to be a membership packet that was issued to new members that included, at a minimum, a club sticker, copy of the bylaws and a newsletter.  The membership committee will be working on updating this packet.

Bylaws:       Virgil stated that we need to set up a time to align the two sets of bylaws, (501(c)3  and 501(c)7).  Currently, they have two different timeframe lengths for the officers to hold office and the same set of people hold offices for both, causing conflict.

Also, when we set up the 501(c)3 corporation,  the board was told it was supposed to go thru training.  That never happened.  Do we still need it?  Carl pointed out that the board has a fiduciary responsibility to the club.  Larry and Carl will get together with Zelma and determine what needs to be done and set it up for the board of directors.

Insurance:  WSCC vs NCCC.  Larry advised we can’t do anything until next year because, calendar-wise, we have already passed the open window for this year.  There was major discussion about pursuing a change, headed by Danny.  It was determined that Greg Brott, as our governor for NCCC, needs to encourage NCCC to accept electronic copies of our events vs US mail delivery.  While not confirmed, Betsy said she didn’t think her former southern California club used US mail as the primary means of communication with NCCC.  Maybe there was a communication issue?

Quarterly Audits:  Carl wants an outside auditing firm to do quarterly audits of the club’s books.  He has been in contact with Donna (unknown last name), a bookkeeper, who is willing to do it for no cost to the club.  There were no objections.

Committees:  Per the bylaws, with the recent change of officers and board of directors, some of our defined committees need to re-establish members.  At the direction of Larry, the current committees will consist of the following:

                   Executive Committee –  President Larry Young, Vice-President Bill Dean, Secretary Kim Miller

                   Nomination CommitteePresident Larry Young, Vice-President Bill Dean, Director Danny Ellison

                   Membership CommitteeMembership Chairperson Betsy Slauson and Secretary Kim Miller

National Corvette Museum:  Carl moved that we join this “quality organization”.  The cost would be $250 to join and $150 annual renewal.  We would get access to their national magazine and could advertise, at a cost, in it.  Danny seconded the motion.  After discussion, it was decided this issue needs to be taken to the membership and will be put on the next agenda.

Vettes for Vets:  Virgil handed out a copy of the budget for the car show.  Twenty rooms have been blocked at The TownePlace Suites by Marriott for our out of town guests.  A $30/night savings will be extended to those participating in the Veterans Charity Car Show. The block of rooms and the rate will be held until 10/11/2019.

It was asked if the car show was sanctioned through NCCC, or if it needed to be.  Virgil will talk to Greg.

Events:       Danny passed out a Calendar of Events for 2020.  He requested everyone look it over and volunteer for openings.

Liz wants to pursue a local membership run, take pictures of cars, license plate numbers and members, so members can be identified via their car when on runs.  Liz’s idea is to do pictures out at Hart Park, then maybe drive out to Nickel’s Ranch out towards Rio Bravo and then back to Bakersfield via Moo’s Creamery.  More to follow.

Minutes:     Carl moved to approve minutes from the last BOD meeting, Betsy seconded.  Motion passed.

Wish to thank Yolanda Atkinson for the C8 reveal tickets she obtained from WSCC and shared with club members.

Adjourn:     7:41 PM