Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

9/3/19 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

Call to order:  5:57 PM by President Larry Young

Present:     Larry Young, Virgil & Kim Miller, Betsy Slauson, Danny Ellison, Carl Lange, and Liz Zaninovich.

Absent:       Bill Dean, Dave Kielty and Adrian Medina.

Guests:       Chris Espitia, Dale and Bill Frye, and Cathy Telese.

Minutes:     Carl moved to approve minutes from the last BOD meeting. Betsy seconded.  Motion passed.

Vettes For Vets:  Virgil submitted a budget for the car show.  Carl moved to approve the budget. Liz seconded.  Motion passed.

Christmas Party:  A budget for the annual Christmas Party to be held on 12/14/2019 was submitted for review/approval.  Carl moved to approve the budget.  Betsy seconded.  Motion passed.

There were questions about the liquor license.  The topic was postponed, and Larry will do some follow up.

NCCC:         Greg Brott has resigned as the club’s governor due to personal obligations.  There are four meetings annually that the governor has to attend.  Larry will cover the meeting on 9/14/2019 in Anaheim but he can’t take the position and a replacement needs to be found.  Subject will be taken to the general membership meeting next week.

Membership:  The membership application and the information regarding membership  were both updated online.  The information matches the bylaws.  There is a 60-day waiting period from the time an application is submitted until membership is granted.  This gives the committee time to review the information and time for the prospective member to attend a couple meetings and/or events.

Virgil put together and gave Betsy 6 new membership packets.  It will be up to the Membership Committee to pass out and replace the packets as needed.

Video Postings:  It’s been noticed that there have not been any video posting to the COB website since March 2019.  This is about the time Greg resigned from doing it.  Larry will talk to Adrian and see if the process can be continued.  There are several videos available that are not on the website.

Gifts:          Larry pointed out that we have several events coming up before the end of the year where we are requesting gifts or raffle prizes be donated by members; wine run, car show and Christmas party.  This will be added to the agenda for next week.

Christmas Parade:  Do we want to participate?  The board didn’t really jump at the opportunity.  This will also be put on the agenda for Tuesday’s General Membership meeting.

Corvettes and Coffee:  Larry would like to host a “breakdown shakedown” event at his shop in the area of Oswell St. south of Hwy 58.  There is room for 35 cars and he has 3 bays, a compressor and vacuum available.  He is proposing to have the event on 9/21/2019 in the morning.  This will be put on the agenda for next week’s meeting to see if there is interest from the general membership.

Vettes For Vets:  Copies of the car show application will be made to be handed out at the next general meeting.  Liz asked about the media and if any PSAs were being done.  Virgil said he is working on it and it is still too early to get them out.  Need to start getting out about 30 days before the event.  Liz also brought up

By-laws:     Question was asked if anything further has been done about updating the by-laws.  Carl has been in contact with Zelma once, but no further has been done.  Virgil mentioned his concern about the officer terms.  They need to be aligned between the 501(c)7 and 501(c)3 since the officers are the same between the two entities.

Adjourn:     6:36 PM