Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

4/2/19 at Lorene’s on 23rd St.

Call to order:        6:05 PM by President Vella

Present:     Bob Vella, Larry Young, Dick Compton, Carl Lange, Danny Ellison, Don & Betsy Slauson, John Silliman

Absent:       Virgil & Kim Miller, Adrian Medina

Guest:                  Linda McNitt

Minutes:     Larry moved to approve minutes from last BOD meeting, Carl seconded.  Motion passed.

1st VP:         Asked about National Corvette Museum Membership.  Currently, COB is not a member.

2nd VP:        COB needs to decide if will host Gambler’s Classic in 2020 as soon as possible.  Board discussed that no member(s) have offered to take the lead yet.  Bob will follow up.

Treasurer:  Board reviewed Treasurer’s Report.

                   Carl reported that routine State documents for 501(c)(7) were completed.

Events:       Discussed that the 50/50 drawings during events are to help raise money towards the Christmas Dinner.

                   Trembler Run on 4-6.  Linda advised BOD of issue with the meet-up location—two separate locations given.

                   New Corvette Owner’s Breakfast location (Riverlakes Ranch) received good reviews.

                   Valentine’s Dinner 2020 will be at Chalet Basque.  Special thanks to Trudy Frye for making arrangements.

                   McNally’s Run on April 27th.

                   Drafted BOD Nomination Form for distribution at next General Membership Meeting.  BOD reviewed and approved.

Membership:        May 1st is when membership renewal letters need to be sent out.  Betsy suggested using email instead of regular mail.  BOD discussed giving hard copies to the few members that don’t have email, and using email for the rest.

                   Two new members joined.  Current roster is 125.

                   Betsy sent sympathy gift to the Fryes from COB.

Sgt. At Arms:        John shared a brief update on the Veteran’s Charity Car Show based on Virgil’s recent Committee Meeting.  Received approvals to use the parking areas around Chuy’s.  Can have vendors as long as they 1) carry the required insurance and, 2) don’t sell food.  Virgil has set up Sub-Committees for:  Advertising/Sponsors, Registration, Parking, Raffle, Awards/Judging, and Logistics.  Have some volunteers, but need more.

                   Streets of Bakersfield went well.  COB needs to decide right away if we want to help host it again in 2020.  If so, we need a liaison who can attend monthly meetings, etc.

                   Carl reported that COB pre-paid for 12 car show spaces at Streets of Bakersfield 2020.  Already have five members wanting a space.  Board discussed idea of raffling off a space.

Next Meeting:      Nominations for the BOD will be taken at the next General Membership Meeting.  

                   The Slausons are providing both the prizes and the refreshments.

Adjourn:     7:15 PM

Minutes provided by John Silliman