Special Board Meeting Minutes – December 2016

Corvettes of Bakersfield
Special Board Meeting Minutes
December 20, 2016, 6:30 PM
Call in number – 661-451-2232
ID number 790284#

• Bob Vella
• Greg Brott
• Larry Young
• Don Slauson
• Betsy Slauson
• Ralph Winget (Absent)
• Adrian Medina (Absent)
• Ed Combs (Absent)


1. Insurance for COB
a. Current status
i. Cost, coverage etc.
b. Advantages of belonging to an umbrella association
c. Need for Directors and Officers insurance

2. Approval to order new COB flyers

3. Approval to order new COB general business cards

4. Next meeting date and time

5. Other items as needed


• Call to order at 6:35 PM
• Roll Call
o See above
• Insurance

o Bob to follow-up with Ed as to current company, coverage and cost

o Bob or Ed to follow up as to cost of obtaining D&O insurance through our current

o WSCC advantages were discussed

§ Part of a 56 Corvette club organization
§ $3M Liability insurance per member
§ Reduced Director’s and Officer’s insurance
§ Via WSCC marketing Increase attendance at our Gambler’s Classic

o WSCC costs were discussed
§ $31.00 per member the first year, $25.00 per year thereafter
• $3M policy for each member and also the Club
• D&O insurance

o $1M – $265.00/year (after WSCC $250 reimbursement)
o $2M – $515.00/year (after WSCC $250 reimbursement)
• Greg to investigate NCCC (similar to WSCC) as to pricing, coverage, advantages vs. WSCC
• Greg to check with Tony of Streets of Bakersfield as to how much they are paying for D&O insurance

• Tri-Fold
o Bob reported 2500: $322.75+tax

§ Larry – Motion to purchase
§ Betsy – Second
• Motion passed

o Bob to purchase and submit invoice and COB form for reimbursement
Business Cards

o Bob reported 2500: $134.00 + tax + $9.00 shipping
§ Larry – Motion to purchase
§ Betsy – Second
• Motion passed

o Greg to purchase and submit invoice and COB form for reimbursement

Next Board meeting Tuesday, January 10th, 5:00 PM at Three-Way Chevorlet Meeting dismissed at 7:00 PM.

General Board meeting – November 2016

General Meeting November 8, 2016

1) Meeting called to order by president Robert Salter at 7:05 p.m.
2) Pledge of Allegiance lead by Larry Young.
3) Last month’s meeting minutes approved by Larry Young and Greg Brott.
4) September Birthdays and Anniversaries were announced.
5) Treasures report given by Ed Combs and the club is solvent.
6) Club members report total was not available. We had 3 prospective member present. 7) Guest and new members were announced.

Old Business:

1) Tony Ennis updates on Veterans day parade and meeting place and time.
2) Greg Brott spoke about Trunk or Treat at Chuy’s COB members participated on October 27th.
3) COB reservation for Christmas party on December 3rd is Nov 26th .
4) Lengthwise COB out to lunch is on Sunday November 20th.
5) Bob Vella updated COB with Gamblers Classic. We will have Randy Anderson and Rick Reno Stevens and New Buck Owens Band. Bob will follow thru with resending emails to all Corvette clubs regarding Gamblers Classic.
6) Greg Brott updated COB with Streets of Bakersfield which will be on May 18th, 19th, and 20th. More to follow.

New Business:

1) Our Winner for COB Christmas Dinner for two was Tom Gibson Congratulations.
2) January 15 is our 1st annual lunch for the year. This will be where all COB members can discuss all runs
and events for the year. We encourage everyone to attend.
3) Issues with Three Way conference room availability has COB looking for a new meeting room any
suggestions will be considered. Suggestions from the Rocket Club to Sundale have been suggested.
4) Raffle and refreshment list for 2017 meetings has been started if you have yet to sign up please do so at
the next meeting.
5) Robert and Soila Salter have step down due to personal reasons, Bob Vella has stepped up and will proceed and finish the year off as President and Greg Brott has stepped up and will take over the Secretary position effective immediately. The board voted and agreed.

50/50 winner: Bev Hayden
Raffle Donated by Deborah Winget Blue Cap: Mitch Townsend
Raffle Donated by Annie Bailey x3 Corvette coffee mugs: Bob Vella, Larry Young, Tom Gibson
Raffle Donated by Skip and Jewell Ogle Wine Bottle: David Kielty Car Kit: Wally Whitaker
President envelope Winner: Annie Bailey (Oldest Vet) and Brad Hayden (Youngest Member Present)

Meeting Adjourned at 8:02pm ***REMINDER our January meeting location is to be determined and you will be notified ASAP.