What a bunch of patriots we are. In tonight’s meeting we did the requisite Pledge of Allegiance and were treated to the Star-Spangled Banner by Emily Ames, niece of Larry Young, our new president for the 2019-2020 year. As the gavel was handed over by former president Bob Vella to Larry Young, we applauded and thanked Bob Vella for the excellent years of leadership that he gave the Corvettes of Bakersfield.

New members were introduced and we had a special guest, Councilman Ken Weir, who presented the oath of office to our new officers. Events and runs were discussed during our meeting and a couple of excellent video slideshows of previous runs were put together and played by Danny Ellison, backed up by his wonderful music from his band.

A big “Thank you” go out to Tony Ennis and Chevy Garza for bringing the ice cream treats and great gifts to be raffled off. Congratulations to the winners of our raffle prizes. They are Dale Frye, Mike Rouw, David Kielty and Mark Pucilowski.

For more photos, Click on this Flickr link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/158760832@N02/albums/72157710015945012