General Minutes – January 2019

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1/8/2019 at Three Way Chevrolet

6:37 P.M.  Meeting called to order

36 members in attendance.

Danny Ellison will be taking over as Event Coordinator with the resignation of Greg Brott.

Getting To Know You:  postponed this month.

Thank you to our sponsor Three Way Chevrolet

Virgil and Kim Miller were absent due to a family death.

Flag Salute – Led by John Silliman

Guests:  Larry Swan, retired, 2017 C7 owner

Birthdays and Anniversaries:  Shared by Bob Vella

Minutes – Trudy Frye motioned to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting.  Larry Young made a second.  Motion passed.

Board of Director Reports

Bob Vella/President – Welcome!  We have a big year ahead of us.  On 1/27/2019 there will be a planning meeting at 1:00pm

Larry Young/First Vice President – Corvette Magazine free and Sports Car Magazine.

Dick Compton/Second Vice President – Encouraged attendance at the planning meeting on 1/27/2019.  There won’t be a Gambler’s Classic this year.  Looking at sponsoring a local car show, possibly on 11/9/2019.

Treasurer Report – General Account approximately $20,151.00 in November and $19,979.00 in December.  Due to the 501(c)3 status, we have a separate account for charitable funds.  Raffle funds go to this.  Henry asked if we are keeping both accounts.  Bob advised YES.  The 501(c)7 account will be for operating costs and membership expenses.  The 501(c)3 account will be for events and the profits will go to charity.

John Silliman/Sergeant At Arms – Collected $1 for not wearing a name badge.  Provided a sign up sheet for monthly snacks and raffle prizes for 2019.  John also reminded everyone of the need to sign in each month for meetings and at each membership run.  Parking clarification was provided for the monthly meetings.

Adrian Medina – Advised there is a gas leak odor in the 2008 Corvette – C6 2007-2013 fuel pump problem.  Also made a car insurance recommendation – Leland West.

Danny Ellison/Events Coordinator – Danny Ellison has emailed a flyer regarding upcoming events.  Planning meeting/brunch on 1/27 at Tony Firehouse Pizza.  Upcoming fund raisers – Gambler’s Classic –  need at least 40 volunteers, $30,000 up front cost, several pre-runs, location other than Laughlin??  Panera Bread Breakfast, California Ave. on 2/20/2019.  Valentines Dinner will be on 2/14/2019 6:00pm at Frugatti’s $27.99 per person + tax and tip.    Room for 40 people only.  Family style dinner will consist of pasta, steak, chicken and potatoes. Parking is limited.

Greg Brott – Cruizin 4 Charity – 3rd Annual Streets of Bakersfield, March 14-16 Thurs-Sat.  Event net last year was $24,000.  Wounded Heroes of Kern County is the charity.  Parking committee is needed.  There are 225 entries already, maybe 325-375 potential entries.  $75 Entry Fee.  Meet and Greet will be at the Chrystal Palace on Thursday, Salty’s BBQ and Catering on Friday and Show-n-Shine on Saturday, Cruise Chester Avenue afterwards.

New Business – Bob said the without doing Gambler’s Classic Car Show, there is a proposal to do a parking lot show on 11/9/2019, Vettes for Vets.  Could possibly net $10,000  by selling sponsorships.  Trudy Frye asked about locking in this event with the council, and it conflicting with other events.

2018 Year In Review – Danny’s presentation.

Questions?  Comments?  NCCC Insurance benefits – $5million coverage and $15/year renewal.

Christmas video reminder about Toys 4 Tots.  Idea/suggestion brought up about having the Christmas Party at the Stockdale Country Club.  After discussion and vote, the Christmas Party will be at Brighton Park again next year.

Minutes taken by Lillian Buckles (thank you!) and transcribed by Kim Miller.

General Minutes – November 2018

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

General Meeting

11/13/2018 at Three Way Chevrolet

6:36 P.M.  Meeting called to order

32 members in attendance.

Flag Salute – Led by Danny Ellison

Guests:  None

Birthdays and Anniversaries:  Shared by Bob Vella

Special Guest – Three-Way Chevrolet sponsor representative and COB member, Robert Villanueva gave an update on corvettes in stock and some definitions of corvette options. You can find current corvette inventory through the COB website.

Getting To Know You:  Spotlight on Dave Kielty

Minutes – Larry Young motioned to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting.  Liz Zaninovich made a second.  Motion passed.

Board of Director Reports

Bob Vella/President – No Board Meeting or General Meeting in December. January Board moved to January 3rd, 2019. John Silliman is now Sergeant at Arms.

Larry Young/First Vice President – Happy for good turnouts at recent events.

Treasurer Report – Shown on PowerPoint.  General Account $16,368.83. Events Account $6,196.13. Total $22,564.96. Will prepare budgets for future events as they occur.

Events – Danny Ellison will take over the position of events coordinator. Bob showed videos made by Greg Brott of Trunk or Treats, Brunch of Corvettes at KC Steakhouse, and Veterans Parade.

COB Breakfast November 21st at Panera on California Ave at 7:30 AM. Kern River Valley Christmas Parade needs cars. Contact COB member Ray Thurm.

Christmas Parade – A drawing for Christmas parade corvettes was done and the following cars were selected: C1-Virgil & Kim Miller, C2-Terri Romanoff, C4- Annie Bailey, C5- Michael Rowe, C6- Dale & Trudy Frye, C7- Bob Vella, Mark Pucilowski, Greg Brott, Dave Kielty, Tom Jones, and Robert Villanueva. We may need to provide more cars for parade dignitaries. Virgil Miller volunteered to give Grand Marshall, Kevin Harvick a ride.

Christmas Party – Since the homeless shelter did not participate in our donation offer the COB board voted to use the money to reduce the price of the Christmas Party by further supplementing the cost. The room erupted in applause. Linda McNitt is donating the liquor for the Christmas party. Thank you, Linda! It was suggested that we sell drink tickets, rather than have the bartender collect money. The professional bartender will be volunteering his time, so please tip generously. We will be collecting toys at the party for the Toys for Tots. Bring a new unwrapped toy. Also, don’t forget to bring a gift for the fun gift exchange.

Toy Run – December 9th, 2018 (Optional) Beach Park to Fairgrounds.

2019 Events – Danny Ellison presented the ideas he sent to everyone in an email for everyone to review. He is looking for suggestions and volunteers to run those events. Danny also apologized for exposing member’s emails, but now knows how to do it correctly. The club planning meeting is scheduled for February 3rd, 2019 at Tony’s Firehouse at 2:00 PM.

501(c)3 status – Carl and Bob met with Zelma.  The Federal process is done. The State paperwork has been filed. We should be completely done by January. The board has spent about $2,000.00 which includes all the fees and a required four-hour training course for the board members.

Dale & Trudy Frye/Bakersfield Car Council – If we have dates for our possible car show they should be submitted as soon as we can, so they get on the council calendar, which protects the date from other local clubs.

Meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM.

Minutes provided by Virgil Miller

General Minutes – October 2018

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

General Meeting


10/9/2018 at Three Way Chevrolet


6:37 P.M.  Meeting called to order

39 members in attendance.


Flag Salute led by Greg Brott

Guests:  None

Birthdays and Anniversaries:  Shared by Bob Vella

Getting To Know You:  Spotlight on Trudy Frye


Minutes – Trudy Frye motioned to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting.  Denise Hollister made a second.  Motion passed.


Board of Director Reports

Dick Compton/Second Vice President – Encouraged participation in upcoming events.


Treasurer Report – Shown on PowerPoint.  $10,000 will be given away on Saturday at the Charity Luncheon at the Gallego’s home.  They need four members to help set up.  It is requested that all COB members show up a little early.


Betsy Slauson/Membership – There were 119 members that renewed, 32 didn’t and there were 18 new members that joined the club.  One member passed away.  The club has a lot of new decals available at $1.00 each.


Greg Brott/Events

Fun Run/Visalia  Twelve corvettes participated. Greg showed a video.

Wine Run/Paso Robles  Event is this weekend. Wishing those who are going a good time.

Christmas Parade We are submitted for 10 cars

Trunk or Treats  At Chuy’s on Rosedale Hwy on 10/25/2018.  Everyone is welcome

Brunch of Corvettes  KC Steakhouse on 10/28/2018

2019 National Caravan  A link will be put on the COB website

Veteran’s Day  Parade  11/12/2018   no updates


Bob Vella/President – President’s run has been postponed.  Contemplating replacing with a Beer Tasting and Pub Crawl in Bakersfield.  There was a lot of interest from the meeting attendees.


501(c)3 status – Carl and Bob met with Zelma.  The process is moving ahead and looking good.


Dale & Trudy Frye/Bakersfield Car Council – Their Super Cruz is the same weekend as Streets of Bakersfield.  Advised members not to get confused when they see/hear advertising.  There are two separate shows.  Toys For Tots are soliciting to help groups.  There is a new gal running it.  It was suggested to have Toys For Tots and a Marine at our club Christmas Party.


Greg Brott announced his resignation from the Board of Directors as of 12/31/2018.


January Planning Meeting – 2/3/2019 at Tony’s Pizza


COB Christmas Party  – 12/8/2018 at the Brighton Park Clubhouse  $35/person


501(c)3 – With this new status, it was proposed that we create a new board position,  Member At Large.  The purpose of this member would be to go out to other events/mixers and spread the word of Corvettes of Bakersfield, get our name out there.  If interested, contact Bob.


Ceramic Coating – Drawing will be done at the Charity Luncheon on 10/13/2018.


Meeting adjourned at 7:47 PM.

General Minutes – September 2018

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

General Meeting


9/11/2018 at Three Way Chevrolet


6:43 P.M.  Meeting called to order

50 members in attendance.

Flag Salute led by Danny Ellison, Sergeant At Arms with a moment of silence for 9-1-1


Minutes – Larry Young motioned to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting.  Danny Ellison made a second.  Motion passed.


Guests – there were three guests in attendance, Jack & Yolanda Atkinson with an admiral blue 2019 grand Sport.  They were formerly from Santa Clara and have moved to Tehachapi.  Also joining us was Don Allen.


Getting To Know You – This month the member was Linda McNitt.  Adrian Medina guessed correctly from the clues.


Gambler’s Classic – Spreadsheet was put together and showed that the cost of the event was $31,063.32.  Income was $35,728.90, netting the club $4,665.58.


Old Business


October Charity Give-Away – Bob passed out ballots to everyone with additional charities nominated by members last month.  Each member is to select three (3) charities of the thirteen listed.  The top five (5) will join the previous five (5), selected last month, to be recipients of $1,000.00 each at our October Charity Give-Away.  Ballots will be counted before the end of the meeting


New Business


  • Sergeant At Arms – Danny Ellison collected for No Name Tags.


  • Treasurer Report – Bob presented a ledger of the past month’s financial transactions. Memberships can be renewed online.  9/30/2018 is the deadline to renew memberships for this year.


  • Webmaster – Just a reminder that the minutes are posted on the club’s website, both the general minutes and the Board of Directors’ minutes. Window Decals have been received and cost $1.00.   Red and black ball caps with “Corvettes Of Bakersfield” on them are available to members for $15.00.  Contact Virgil or Kim Miller.


  • Newsletter – will be working on something soon.


  • Events – Greg recently went on the Coastal Run with other members. He showed a video of the event to members.  Upcoming events are posted on the website.  Information on the 2019 National Corvette Caravan to Bowling Green, KY was presented.  It was suggested that COB join with southern California corvette owners and make the journey back east together.  Those interested will have further discussion and bring it back to the membership.


  • BCCC – Dale and Trudy Frye recently attended their first BCCC meeting as representatives of COB. Nothing to report at this time.


  • Retirement – Adrian Medina is retiring from his job after more than 30 years. Members are invited to attend a luncheon for Adrian at Hodel’s on October 21, 2018.


Ballots were counted and the additional five charities that we will donate to are: Wounded Heroes, Alzheimer’s Association, Bakersfield Firefighters Burn Foundation, 999 Foundation and Ronald McDonald House.


Meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.



General Minutes – August 2018

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

General Meeting


8/14/2018 at Three Way Chevrolet


6:38 P.M.  Meeting called to order

37 members in attendance.

Flag Salute led by Danny Ellison, Sergeant At Arms


Minutes – Larry Young motioned to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting.  Denise Hollister made a second.  Motion passed.


Guests – there were three potential new members in attendance, Mark and Cynthia Newton and Ron Burrow.  Zelma Frankhouser and her husband were also in attendance.


Old Business – President Bob Vella invited Zelma Frankhouser to the meeting to update the membership on the progress of our tax status modification.  Several members had questions regarding the non-profit status/update. Currently the club is a 501(c)7, the purpose of which is to have fun.  There is no tax write off to those that want to make donations to us or for members that want to write off club-related expenses. We can do anything with our money that is club related.

Zelma is in the process of adding 501(c)3 to the club’s status.  This will be an “arm” to our current status and will put us in full compliance with the IRS and the State of California. The 501(c)3 will allow us to make donations to others and be a tax deduction for others.  We will open another bank account for the 501(c)3 as Corvettes of Bakersfield Charity and the 501(c)7 account will be known as Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

Zelma is also applying for a raffle certification under our 501(c)7 status.  This can only be done in August and is only good for one (1) year.  Once we have the 501(c)3 status, we will add the raffle certification when we can.

Ultimately, we will be running both non-profits simultaneously, the current 501(c)7 will remain for member activities and the 501(c)3 will be our charitable “arm.”


New Business


  • VP Report Larry shared a trivia game with the members: 25 Things Everyone Should Know About Corvettes.


  • Sergeant At Arms Danny reminded everyone that when we have runs, everyone needs to sign in on the log sheet for insurance purposes.  Danny also said that he is putting together some weekday lunch runs.  Recently a couple members went to Stallion Springs for lunch and enjoyed the experience.  More information to follow.


  • Treasurer Report Carl advised the current funds total $26,088.88.  Approximately $6,500 for events and $19,500 in the general fund.  In August, a contribution was received from 3-Way Chevrolet.  A question was asked about figures from the Gambler’s Classic.  Carl advised approximately $3,500 was made.


  • Membership Report Betsy advised that the membership deadline has passed.  She also passed out new membership cards and decals.  Make sure you sign in at each meeting.


  • Public Relations Bob Vella advised that, with the help of Zelma, we have the opportunity/option of using grants to supplement our charity goals.  Adrian reminded everyone about our Facebook page and that it displays a lot of fun about the club.  Greg said the Pine Mountain Run was enjoyed by all that participated.  A photo show of the day was shown.


  • Wine Run Tony Ennis advised everything is in order.  Reservations have been secured at Best Way Inn in Paso Robles for $140/night.  Registration for the event is $55/person for three wineries.  It is requested that everyone bring a raffle prize and lawn chair.  If your registration is paid by 9/24/2018, you will be eligible for a drawing at each winery.


  • October Charity Give-Away Bob Vella reminded members that we had voted last month for five charities to receive our annual donations.  They were Valley Fever of Kern County, Bakersfield Homeless Shelter, BARC, Unity Thrift and Kern County Search and Rescue.  Discussion followed that we might want to increase the number of charities to benefit from COB since our current funds would allow it.  A request for other possible charities to be considered was made and the following were suggested:  ALS Foundation, the new children wing at Memorial Hospital (Lauren Small Children’s Center), Alzheimer’s Association, Wounded Heroes, Cathey’s K-9 Rescue, Ronald McDonald House, Kern County Burn Survivor’s Trust, Bakersfield Firefighter’s Burn Foundation, Valley Burn Center, Marley’s Mutts, Arthritis Foundation, Valley Children’s Hospital and the 999 Foundation.


Tom Jones made a motion that we select ten (10) groups and pay $1,000 to each of them.  Betsy Slauson seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Since we had already selected five last month, Bob said a vote will be cast next month, by those in attendance, for additional charitable groups.  It was suggested that the vote be for three of the thirteen newly recommended groups.  The top five to receive votes will be added to the previous five for the ten charities we will donate to in October.


Club Shirts   Wall Street Imprintables on E. Brundage no longer has the previously used button-down shirts for our club logo.  They are going to do a run on the polo shirt by the of the month.  Contact them ASAP if you still want to purchase a shirt.


Meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.



General Minutes – July 2018

Corvettes of Bakersfield, Inc.

General Meeting

7/10/2018 at Three Way Chevrolet

18:37 Meeting called to order

32 members in attendance with three guests

Flag Salute led by Danny Ellison

Minutes – Larry Young motioned to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting. Donna Ellison made a second. Motion passed.

Guests – there were three potential new members in attendance.

Old Business – Nothing

New Business

The 2018/2019 Board of Directors were installed at the BOD meeting last week.
NCCC There was an increase in the number that attended the Gambler’s Classic. Last meeting there were questions as to the benefit of NCCC. Greg Brott responded.

Streets of Bakersfield – The suggested non-profits to support and the number of votes received for each for 2018/19 are BARC (6), Bakersfield Homeless Center (6), Kern County Valley Fever (6), Unity Thrift (3), Wounded Heroes Fund (7) and Kern County Search and Rescue (1). Wounded Heroes Fund will be the organization we support for the 2019 Streets of Bakersfield. The remainder of the organizations will be considered in October for our other charitable donations.

VP Report – Larry provided information about Leland West Insurance and advised members to do their shopping.

Sergeant At Arms Report – Discussed name badges, the purpose and where/how to get them. Danny also reminded everyone of the Pine Mountain Run that is happening on Sunday.

Treasurer Report – Carl was not in attendance. Will review and address this at the next meeting.

Membership Report – Betsy advised that membership dues are past due. Dues can be paid online. Attendance needs to be taken at each meeting. A sign in sheet will be available to assist with this.

Webmaster Report – The website has been updated. It is requested that all members review the site.

Public Relations – Bob Vella discussed the club’s business cards. He also reported that the club received $138 for the event held at The Habit in June.
Bob advised that the Board of Directors has been reviewing the club status of 501C3 vs 501C7. We are going to have both. We will do some grant writing to help with donations.

Windshield Decals found a vendor where we can get 1,000 for $300. Larry Young made a motion to proceed with this purchase, Denise Collingsworth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Club Shirts – Ralph brought up that other clubs have nice shirts that show unity. Discussion followed. Majority agreed on a red polo shirt as a club shirt. Further pricing will be explored.

Meeting adjourned at 20:04.